A Report on the Visit of Meet Badr Khamis Preparatory Joint School

Within the framework of the Faculty of Engineering’s keenness to emphasize its societal role as a beacon of science and culture, the faculty received two delegations from Meet Badr Khamis Preparatory Joint School, on Wednesday 14/12/2022 and Thursday 15/12/2022, in coordination with the faculty administration, where the two delegations were received by Dr. Mohamed Mostafa Hassan Tawfiq - lecturer at the Department of Mechanical Power Engineering and director of the Student Projects Unit in the faculty, in the hall of Prof. Dr. Rashad El Badrawy.

The visit included several important stations, one of them was, laboratories in the faculty, which include various disciplines of engineering sciences, such as: solar energy laboratories, architectural models, refrigeration and air conditioning, mechatronics engineering, personal computers, and

Dr. Ahmed Eid Musa, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, explained the most important techniques for using solar electric energy, Dr. Muhammad Mustafa Tawfiq, a lecturer at the Department of Mechanical Power Engineering, explained refrigeration and air conditioning systems, as well as thermal applications of solar energy, Eng. Mahmoud Ramadan, Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Architectural Engineering, dealt with the mechanisms of producing architectural models for designing facilities, as well as dealing with various materials, and Eng. Ahmed Radwan, Teaching Assistant at the Department of Computer Engineering and Control Systems, who dealt with the concept of dealing with robots to manage various industrial processes.

In a related context and within the framework of the service role of the students, members of the Momentum team and Mansoura Motorsport team participated in the visit.

At the end of the two-day activities, the children expressed their great happiness at visiting the faculty in addition to giving them the opportunity to benefit from the visit.

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