A Report on the Meeting of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel-Azim, Dean of the Faculty, with Members of the Faculty’s Assistant Staff

With the aim of achieving the faculty’s mission to improve the level of higher education and scientific research, and to build bridges of connection and strengthen the bonds of relations, a large-scale meeting was held headed by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel-Azim - Dean of the Faculty, in the presence of Prof. Dr. Sahar Sedky - Vice Dean for Community Service and Development Affairs and Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Abdel Ghaffar Badran - Director of the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Unit at the faculty, for the members of the faculty’s assistant board on Monday 21/11/2022 at 3:00 pm in Prof. Dr. Magdi Abu Rayan, hall.

Where Prof. Dr. Dean of the Faculty talked about the importance of the meeting and its purpose in light of the increasing number of students enrolled in the faculty, providing staff with clarification of some matters related to them and the faculty as well, he urged them to motivate and unite with the aim of raising the faculty to reach the highest levels and maximum goals. Prof. Dr. Abdelazim provided them with valuable suggestions and advice to improve performance and educational attainment so as to provide a hand and follow-up to raise their scientific level and help them overcome the obstacles they face.
The administration of the faculty also welcomes any proposals and new ideas for its development. The meeting was characterized by transparency and clarity. His Excellency honored Dr. Muhammad Nashat Al-Ghandour - Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Public Works Engineering - in appreciation of his efforts in completing the faculty’s file for government excellence.

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