Report on the Faculty Council Meeting No. (574)

The Faculty Council No. (574) was held on Monday, November 14, 2022, at exactly ten o’clock in the morning in the conference hall of Prof. Dr. / Al-Saeed Ashour, with the application of precautionary reserves, Prof. Dr. / Mohamed Abdel-Azim, Dean of the Faculty, chaired the meeting, in the presence of, the Vice-Deans, heads of scientific departments, managers of specific programs and representatives of some institutions of the external community.
The session was opened by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Dean of the Faculty, where his excellency:

  •  welcomed all the attendees.
  • Expressed his great appreciation for choosing Prof. Dr. Sherif Khater as President of Mansoura University, congratulating him and wishing him all success for our prestigious university.
  • Urged all attendees to cooperate and help students work on improving their cultural and literary information, in addition to raising their awareness of the importance of physical activities.
  • Expressed his deep sorrow for the death of Aja, Mit Ghamr bus accident.
  • Honored Prof.Dr. Hussein Al-Sabbagh, Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy, for receiving a 15-million-pound fund from the Science, Technology and Innovation Funding Authority to establish a scientific center of excellence at the faculty of pharmacy.
  • Congratulated Associate. Prof. Dr. Fahmy Abdullah, Associate Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering, and Associate Prof. Dr. Hany Mohany, Associate Professor in the Department of Public Works Engineering and Deputy Director of the Construction and Building Engineering Program, for their promotion.
  • Praised scholars of the faculty of engineering who are enlisted in Stanford Global list
  • Praised Mansoura University's distinguished ranking in the best international universities list, according to the US News Foundation, wishing more progress and a continued high position.
  • Mentioned the most important activities that have taken place in the faculty during the recent period, such as: hosting the former Prime Minister, Dr. Essam Sharaf, receiving and participating in the “You Are Stronger Than Drugs” initiative team to educate students and the faculty’s administrative staff, receiving scientific trips for high school students, drawing activities for the five-a-side tournament, the presentation of the scientific departments for students of the faculty of engineering, the project of automating administrative work, the launch of the interactive guide for student opportunities at the Faculty of Engineering, the sketch of the faculty’s weekly theatrical work, the Energy Excellence project, the visit of the Japanese delegation to the faculty, the visit of Al-Nahda University, and finally the visit of the faculty delegation to the University of Birmingham.
  • Extended his deep appreciation and gratitude to both Prof. Dr. Sahar Sedky, Vice Dean of the Faculty and Director of the Renewable and Sustainable Energy Program, and Prof. Dr. Mona Al-Wazir, Director of the Sustainable Architecture Program for dispatching two (2) students: Abdul Rahman Reda Ali (Architecture Engineering Department) Haitham Sameh Fayoud (Energy Program), to present the project at the COP27 climate conference. The two students presented and explained a project at the climate conference in front of the Minister of Higher Education and a number of experts and officials from the USAID mission.
  • Briefed the attendees about the digitization of administrative offices and the time frame for its completion.
  • Explained the position of quality work and the program accreditation platform at the Faculty of Engineering from the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education.
  • Provided the attendees with a brief summary of the projects of the seventh phase.

At the end of the faculty council presentation, His Excellency honored:
Prof. Mahmoud El-Gamal, Professor of Structural Engineering, Prof. Hussein Al-Sabbagh, Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Dr. Mohamed Sabry, Advisor to the Dean of the Faculty for Student Activities, Eng. Muhammad Nashaat, assistant lecturer, the Department of Public Works and a member of the Strategic Future Unit team, Ms. Nesma Saeed Salama, Director of the Dean’s Office, Eng. Reham Muharram Juma’a at the Studies Center, Ms. Eman Tawakul, Secretary of the Department of Electronics and Communications, Student/ Amir Muhammad Badir, Ambassador of Huawei Academy at Mansoura University and a certified trainer in artificial intelligence, Ms. Anham Youssef, the support services officer at communications laboratories.
Then, he moved to discuss the topics on the agenda to take decisions on them with the distinguished members of the Faculty Council members.

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