Harvest Ceremonial Events of Post Graduate Studies, Faculty of Engineering 2019 - 2022

Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El-Meligy - Charge D'Affairs of Mansoura University Presidency, Prof. Ashraf Hafez - Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research, the leadership of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim - Dean of the faculty, Prof. Dr. Sherif El-Badawy - Vice Dean for Graduate Studies, Research, the participation of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Al-Mahdi - Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Sahar Sedky - Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development, and in the presence of a group of heads of departments, program directors and faculty members.
The Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, celebrated the harvest of the graduate studies and research sector 2019-2022 on Sunday, August 21, 2022 at 12:30 in Prof. Magdi Abu Rayan Conference Hall, where the celebration ceremony witnessed honoring and distributing prizes to faculty members who received university awards, as the university’s incentive awards, excellence, creativity, and the best master’s and doctoral theses. Faculty members with publications in periodicals.
Faculty members who obtained research projects funded by the university, local institutions or international institutions. Faculty members with scientific specializations of the Shanghai classification, all faculty members who have obtained internal projects.

Departments with the highest scientific production represented in the highest research publication rate in indexed international journals and with the highest number of letters granted or registered.
The contract of the Faculty of Engineering Journal, signed with the international publishing house ELSEVIER.

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