Irrigation and Hydraulics Engineering Department's Annual Scientific Conference

The annual scientific conference of the Department of Irrigation and Hydraulics Engineering was held on Sunday 3/10/2021 at twelve o'clock in the hall of the department under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Dean of the Faculty, headed by Prof. Tharwat Sarhan, head of the department council, in the presence of the faculty members and members of the supporting staff in the department, in addition to a representative from the management of the quality assurance unit at the faculty. A group of students were invited from the different academic years in the department. The mechanism for selecting the first students with the highest grades in the department's courses and the plan for honoring them were discussed. A dialogue was also held on many topics related to raising the efficiency and level of graduates. The conference ended by commending the department's active role in community participation in canal lining projects, in addition to its contribution to the presidential initiative to develop the Egyptian countryside - a decent life project. Opinions also met on establishing some social activities among the members of the department, and focusing on activating the role of the laboratory to apply the theoretical explanation. The suggestions of the attendees were also listened to and their constructive opinions were taken, which would improve and consolidate the relationship between the graduates and the department. Emphasis was placed on activating and updating the information on the department's page on social networking sites to facilitate communication with different groups.

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