Arbitration of Graduation Projects for Students of the Department of Architectural Engineering, under the Honor of distinguished Egyptian Architects, and in the Presence of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Dean of the

The graduation projects of the students of the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University were judged on Wednesday, July 7, 2022, in the presence of a distinguished jury of Egyptian architects and in the presence of Prof. Dr. Mohammed Abd Al Azim, Dean of the Faculty, members of the faculty and the supporting staff in the department.

A commendable and distinguished effort from our students who have truly honored us and completed the covenant with the excellence of the department's graduates.

All thanks and appreciation to the esteemed jury, to the committee supervising the entire project, and of course special thanks to Professor Dr. Osama Farag.

Congratulations on the graduation of our dear students with best wishes for continued success.

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