A Workshop at the Faculty of Engineering, Introducing the Travel Grants Provided by the Erasmus Plus program

A workshop was held at the faculty of Engineering to introduce the various grants provided by the European Union Erasmus plus program, under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Ashraf Abdel Basset, President of the University, the leadership of Prof. Dr. Ashraf Tarek Hafez, Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research, patronage of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Dean of the Faculty Engineering and guidance Prof. Dr. Sherif Masoud, Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research.

The lecture was delivered by Ass. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Al-Refai, Director of the International Relations Office and Erasmus Coordinator at the University.

The workshop was organized by Dr. Ahmed Hussein, Coordinator of the Scientific Research Support Unit at the Faculty of Engineering, in the presence of Dr. Otilia Miskait, Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Vitatus Magnus University, Lithuania, and a group of faculty members and students in various faculties of the university.

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