A Cooperation Protocol between the Faculty of Engineering and the Drinking Water and Sanitary Drainage Company in Dakahlia

As Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, is always keen to maximize the societal role of the Faculty of Engineering and to extend arms of cooperation and integration with the national institutions of the external community.

A cooperation protocol was signed on Thursday 20January, 2022, between both Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, and Eng. Khaled Nasr, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Drinking Water and Sanitary Drainage Company in Dakahlia.

The protocol included cooperation and integration in several areas, the most important of which are : training, scientific research, scientific techniques and laboratories.

Prof. Dr. Sahar Sedky, Vice Dean for Community Service Affairs, Prof. Dr. Sherif El-Badawy, Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research, Dr. Mohamed Sabry, Director of the University Center for Career Development, and Dr. Mohamed Hamed, Director of Training at the Water Company witnessed signing the protocol.

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