A visit by Talkha Agha Secondary School for Girls

Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, and supervision of Prof. Dr. Sahar Sedky, Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development, the faculty received a group of students from Talkha Agha Secondary School for Girls, on Thursday morning, December 9, 2021.
The program of the visit began with a motivating welcome note by Prof. Dr. the Vice-Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development. She also gave an insightful presentation which explained the nature of the study and talked about job opportunities available for graduates of the faculty.

Dr. Islam Ismail, professor of Electrical Engineering, Dr. Mahmoud Saafan, Deputy Director of the Artificial Intelligence Program, and Dr. Asma Al-Awadi, Director of the Graduate Follow-up Unit, resumed the visit program where a number of laboratories were visited, such as the mechatronics and nanotechnology labs, a number of halls, workshops, and the library.

This visit took place within the framework of the faculty’s interests towards the outside community, as this recreational and scientific activity is a service to the educational process, and an enrichment of the students’ educational and social experiences. This will sure be reflected on their academic achievement, contribute to determining the students’ future trends and enhance a sense of belonging and social responsibility.


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