Nomination and Submission for State Awards

Mansoura University, Sector of the Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research.
General Administration of Research.


Prof. Dr. Mohammed Abdel Azim, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, we have the honor to inform your excellency about the conditions for nomination and application for state awards, including (Nile Awards, State Appreciation Awards, Excellence Award and State Incentive Award) for the year 2021:-

• The applicant must be nominated by universities, centers, institutes, research bodies, or specialized scientific societies.

• The applicant must be engaged in science or advanced technological sciences.

• The applicant should not be among those in charge of these bodies, or chairmen of their boards of trustees, or boards of directors, or from ministers at the time of their assumption of responsibility.

• The candidate must have accepted the nomination, provided that the nominating party submits proof of that.

With regard to the state awards for excellence, it is permissible to nominate for them by the above-mentioned bodies. Individuals have the right to apply directly for one of the state awards for excellence, encouragement, or encouragement woman.

One candidate is submitted for each of the following awards:

1. Nile for Sciences
2 . Nile for advanced technological sciences
3 . Estimated state in the fields of:-
⁃ Basic sciences
⁃ Agricultural Sciences
⁃ Medical fields
⁃ Engineering fields

4. State Appreciation Awards in the field of (Technological Sciences) that serve:

⁃ Basic sciences Fields
⁃ Agricultural fields
⁃ Medical fields
⁃ Engineering fields

5. Pioneer Awards for one of Egypt's top scientists who has distinguished scientific achievements who is not a recipient of the Nile Prize.
6. The Woman Appreciation Award for one of Egypt's top women scientists who has scientific, social and economic achievements.

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