First Meeting of the Board of Directors of Graduate Follow-Up Unit

The first meeting of the Board of Directors of the Graduate Follow-up Unit was held in its current session 2021/2022, on Wednesday, 20/10/2021 under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Chairman of the Unit. The meeting was under supervision of Pro. Dr. Sahar Sidki Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs and the Vice-Chairman of the Unit’s Board of Directors.

Prof. Dr. Sahar initiated the meeting by presenting words of welcome to the members of the unit’s board of directors, wishing them success in their mission towards the unit and advancing it in order to achieve the desired goals towards the faculty graduates. Prof. Sahar expressed her full support and welcomed any new ideas to present atypical proposals as long as they ultimately serve the interest of the faculty graduates as ambassadors of the faculty in the foreign labor market.

Dr. Asmaa El Awadi, the Director of the Unit spoke about presenting the topics on the agenda, including presenting a plan for developing and improving the unit, defining the duties of the members of the unit’s board of directors, presenting the activities carried out by the unit in the previous period, followed by agreement on a number of recommendations, including: The necessity of presenting a mechanism to motivate the students and graduates participating in the unit, work on marketing the unit more effectively, and pay attention to field training for graduates within distinguished companies and factories as well as training within the faculty such as the Studies Center, and the necessity of the participation of industrialists in its board of directors, holding seminars, workshops and specialized seminars that benefit students and graduates .

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