The honoring of the masters /teaching staff members at the faculty , scholars , researchers at the 9th scientists day

Thought the activities of the 9th scientists day celebration that was held under the auspice of MISTER Prof.Dr/ Ashraf Alshehy the minister of high education and scientific research , MISTER Prof .Dr/ Mohammed Hassan Alkenawy - mansoura university president , MISTER .Pof.Dr/ Ashraf Swilam –the vice president for higher studies and researches , mansoura university has honored ,today 4th may 75scholars and researchers ,at the conferences hall at the university administration building.

The celebration comes as an incentive for the researchers to do more scientific and research efforts and offering the highest level of performance to raise the university assessment among the regional and the international universities.

Among the celebration activities there was the honoring of the departed Peof.Dr/ Monier Mohammed Abdalrazek Mostafa – the professor of electronics and communication engineering at faculty of engineering ,for choosing him as the character of 2016in addition to the misters who gained the state prizes 2013/2014-outer prizes – publishing incentives awards –patented , there are the names of the teaching staff members who were honored :

  • DR/ Mohamed Farahat Othman – Mathematics and engineering physics dept. ,scientific advance ,at the field of engineering sciences 2014/2015
  • Prof.Dr/Ahmed Mohamed Hamed Kandeel – mechanical engineering department
  • DR/Mohamed Farahat Othman –– Mathematics and engineering physics dept. , the best thesis for PHD 2013/2014
  • DR/Samaa Radi Hussin , architecture engineering dept. – the best thesis for PHD.2013/2014
  • Eng. Sara Ahmed Mostafa Albahlol – mechanical engineering dept.
  • MR/Mohamed Mahmoud Ahmed Metwally – electrical engineering dept.
  • DR/Mohamed farahat Othman- Mathematics and engineering physics dept.
  • Prof.DR/ Ahmed Mahmoud Yossef- the head of the structural engineering dept.




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