Events of the first batch graduates ceremony at the Faculty of Engineering

At the Faculty of Engineering Mansoura University, the symbols of the 1978 class met on a beautiful day. The graduate symbols met in the faculty club and then moved to the council of the Faculty of Engineering and headed the meeting Prof. Dr. / Abdel Hakim .. Former President of Tanta University. The discussion was moderated by Prof. Ahmed Shoaib, Professor, Department of Public Works EngineeringThe attendees exchanged beautiful memories and presented a summary of their experiences to their children at the Faculty of Engineering. The meeting was attended by Prof. Mohamed Abdel Azim Mohamed, Dean of the faculty,Prof. Ibrahim Lotfy Al-Qalla, Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and Prof. Sherif Masoud El-Badawy, Vice Dean for postgraduate Studies and Research.The ceremony ended at 4 pm.

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