Goals of Department

Goals of Department 

The undergraduate educational program at the SE Department offers a Bachelor Degree (B.Sc.) in structural engineering with the following goals,

  1. Graduate an engineer with the appropriate engineering knowledge and the ability to solve design and construction problems considering the ethics of engineering practice.
  2. Prepare students capable of dealing with the advances and technology in the field of structural engineering along with the information technology.
  3. Graduate an engineer with strong background on national and international standard specifications (design codes).

To help to achieve these goals, the SE Department encourages and assists the students to get involved in summer internship at big and well-known design and construction companies.

In addition to the focus on the undergraduate program, the SE Department supports an active and successful graduate program that offers Master and Ph.D. degrees in the structural engineering.


Connect with us en

Mansoura, Republic Street - the university campus, the main gate to Al-Bahr Street

  • dummy 2202248- 2202245 (050)

  • dummy 2202251 (050)

  • dummyengfac@mans.edu.eg

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