elf-education" " S"
A symposium about 'self-education' on Tuesday 4/6/2013
Through the periodical meetings for introducing the concepts of quality, Prof. Dr./mohammed abd El Azeem , the manager of quality assurance unit made a symposium about self-education on Tuesday 4/6/2013 in the attendance of Prof. Dr./Zaki Mohammed Zedan the dean of the faculty and Prof. Dr. /magdy Al Azab the representative of the faculty for environmental affairs and society's service and some members of the teaching staff and the assistant organization.
The aims of the symposium :
- Assuring that the self-study is the first step of credence
- Assuring the importance of participation in developing the self-study
- Highlighting the necessity of keeping some principles obligations when preparing the self-study.
Symposium's directions :
- Introducing the self education regarding it the first document for assessment and dependency.
- Exposing the most important primary obligation to prepare a successful self-learning.
- Exposing some items of self-education that belongs to the faculty and explaining it.
Recommendations :
- Necessity of assuring the importance of the participation of all the stages of the faculty in developing the self –learning according to reality.
- The necessity of assuring the attending and make use of these lectures.
- Uploading these lectures on the electronic website to make use of it.
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