Scientific Research Topics
Scientific Research Topics
Mathimatic research plan :
- Non-traditional methods for solving ~artial differential equations.
- Sine-method in solving integro-differential equations
- Comparison between wavelet and Sinc-Galerkin in solving integral equations.
- Flow in porous media .
- Modeling of free boundary phenomena (Stefan problems)
- Fisher and Telegraph equations
- Wavelet analysis and the solution of partial differential equations .
- 8 Genetic algorithm and Neural networks and their applications
- On the solution of stochastic differential equations
- Adomian decomposition method and its applications
- Numerical methods for the solution of integral and integro-differential equations
Physics research plan.
The research plan contain these topic:-
plasma physics-crystals and guide optics-superconductors-biophysics-theoretical physics'
Chemistry research plan.
the research plan contain these topics:-
- Using flocculation hydraulic process in curing drinking water and sanitation and industrial wastewater.
- Studying some methods of the effective oxidation in curing sanitation.
- Physical research on the pollutants of absorption from sanitation and industerialwastewater.
- The study of cringing industrial wastewater liquids that contains the calendar antenna's greases and oils.
- Physical and chemical study on some theoretical complexes.
- Physical and chemical study on some polymeric.