Scientific Research Topics

Scientific Research Topics

Mathimatic research plan :

  • Non-traditional methods for solving ~artial differential equations.
  • Sine-method in solving integro-differential equations
  • Comparison between wavelet and Sinc-Galerkin in solving integral equations.
  • Flow in porous media .
  • Modeling of free boundary phenomena (Stefan problems)
  • Fisher and Telegraph equations
  • Wavelet analysis and the solution of partial differential equations .
  • 8 Genetic algorithm and Neural networks and their applications
  • On the solution of stochastic differential equations
  • Adomian decomposition method and its applications
  • Numerical methods for the solution of integral and integro-differential equations

Physics research plan.

The research plan contain these topic:- 

plasma physics-crystals and guide optics-superconductors-biophysics-theoretical physics'

Chemistry research plan. 

the research plan contain these topics:-

  1. Using flocculation hydraulic process in curing drinking water and sanitation and industrial wastewater.
  2. Studying some methods of the effective oxidation in curing sanitation.
  3. Physical research on the pollutants of absorption from sanitation and industerialwastewater.
  4. The study of cringing industrial wastewater liquids that contains the calendar antenna's greases and oils.
  5. Physical and chemical study on some theoretical complexes.
  6. Physical and chemical study on some polymeric.

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