Library Director's Word

The library represents the educational support for the university's mission and lofty goals, it is the main source of support for the teaching and research process in the faculty.

The library is distinguished by using the latest technical means in organizing, managing and making available traditional and electronic information sources to beneficiaries, in order to save time and effort.

The library’s efforts, in cooperation with faculty members, are also concerted in absorbing academic plans, curricula and programs, through the process of providing the library with information containers; to achieve its main goal in supporting academic and research plans and programs.

The library has a distinct and attractive internal environment, which provides its visitors, students, researchers, and faculty members, with amenities, and encourages them to take advantage of its rich resources.

The library has a distinguished collection of information sources in the various disciplines and programs provided by the faculty, in addition to selected collections of various scientific books that enrich the beneficiaries.

The library administration hopes to achieve leadership in serving its beneficiaries, and to contribute to the scientific and cultural formation of learners who carry the faculty,s message to the world. We confirm that the faculty,s library management cadres are fully prepared to provide you with all the distinguished services, you can also communicate with them at any time without hesitation.​​

Acting library manager

Mayada Mahmoud Ahmed

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Mansoura, Republic Street - the university campus, the main gate to Al-Bahr Street

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