Civil and Environmental Engineering Program (Sustainable Water Engineering) (CEE-SWE)

The program aims to contribute to achieving the sustainable development strategy for Egypt’s vision (SVS 2030), which is in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs) to contribute to enhancing the well-being of residents in old cities in addition to building new smart cities through knowledge and innovation, sustainable cities, water clean and environmental sustainability.

The program has been designed in accordance with the Egyptian frame of reference for preparing undergraduate study programs in colleges of engineering (2020) and the Egyptian terms of reference for the credit-hour study system in faculties of engineering (2020) to be in line with the standards of the Egyptian National Authority for Quality Assurance of Education and Accreditation for Engineering (NARS 2018).

The Bachelor of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Sustainable Water Engineering) with credit hour system (CEE-SWE) is a qualitative, interdisciplinary program that includes the requirements of the general specialization in civil engineering and in-depth in the engineering of water and water structures and covers the relevant knowledge needs of architecture, engineering Sustainability, the environment, renewable energy sources, management sciences and law to keep pace with technological changes and scientific and technical development and meet the needs of the local and international labor market.

The program aims to contribute to achieving the sustainable development strategy for Egypt’s vision (SVS 2030), which is in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs) to contribute to enhancing the well-being of residents in old cities in addition to building new smart cities through knowledge and innovation, sustainable cities, water Clean and environmental sustainability.
The program has been designed in accordance with the Egyptian frame of reference for preparing undergraduate study programs in colleges of engineering (2020) and the Egyptian terms of reference for the credit-hour study system in colleges of engineering (2020) to be in line with the standards of the Egyptian National Authority for Quality Assurance of Education and Accreditation for Engineering (NARS 2018). Making a benchmark comparison with similar programs in accredited international universities so that the program achieves the international educational standards for engineering and technology (ABET 2020-2021).
Students can obtain dual degrees (a degree from Mansoura University and a certificate from an international university) through partnerships and degree agreements between Mansoura University and many international universities allowing them to: (1) create dual degrees, (2) exchange students, ( 3) Exchange of faculty members, (4) Exchange of educational and research services

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Mansoura, Republic Street - the university campus, the main gate to Al-Bahr Street

  • dummy 2202248- 2202245 (050)

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