Development Plan of administrative activities for workers

Development Plan of administrative activities for workers (employees) in the sector of Education and Student Affairs

First: Detailed aims.

Framework program of sector work

Second: Work style of sector

Third: Participants in study and analysis.

Complete plan for continuous training 

Plan for developing administrative skills for the employees in education/students sector.

Firstly: Introduction:

The Education/students sector in the faculty attempts to increase the administrative system members' efficiency via saving suitable training needs for the sector's employees, and supplying them with the necessary skills, information and abilities which place them in continuous modernization of what is these on the stage in the areas of their specializations no as to secure offering the best educational and administrative service for both the faculty students and its own graduates.

It is expected that organizing the training courses will lead to the situation where we can oversee the latest in a number of issues which will be of benefit to solving problems related to numerous matters which can face the local and regional challenges and demands. So, it is expected that this training will save a lot of money, effort and time to the faculty through the elevation of the performance of the sector's employees.

General Aim:

Raising the standard of  the  administrative performance for employees in the administrative sector.

Detailed Objectives:

  • Raising the standard of the performance and the productive and professional performance for those employees in the sector.
  • Improving the administrative behavior of the employees in the sector.
  • Reinforcing understanding and technical/ administrative cooperation among the different departments to realize co-ordination of programming framework of work System of the sector.
  • The sector adopts the strategic system of planning that guarantees:

Guidance by the announced aims of the University and confining by the derivative goal of  the administration.

Analysis and assessing the status quo of the elements of the performance of the different departments that gains benefits.

 Assessing futuristic directions of what might happen (occur) in the domains of those departments and the resulting effects.

Defining the level of the aimed performance in light of the status quo and conjecturing the future.

 Setting the projects and work programs that can achieve the aimed performance through them.

Secondly: Style of sector's work:

Setting the programs the continuous studies.

 Adopting the style of university work and forming team work groups that are of practical specialized in branched practical and , scientific specializations whether from inside the benefited departments or from the outside.

Resorting to the scientific competence from inside the university or from the outside to offer administrative consultation.

 Using quantitative and qualitative indications and criteria.

 Acquiring what is new technologies and contrivances so as to raise  the level of the sector performance and its employees.

 Designing self-control systems for the different departments.

Designing the training programs that suit the sector's demands.

Thirdly: Participants in the study and analysis

1.   Faculty principal for  Education/Students' Affairs.

2.   Heads of the different departments

Fourthly: Mechanisms of sector and questionnaire's analysis.

  1. Distributing the enclosed questionnaire to all departments (study/exam affairs dept., student affairs dept., graduates affairs dept., students' care dept.)
  2. Analyzing of the questionnaire and studying the weak points in previous courses in order to avoid them in futuristic courses.
  3. Deciding wanted courses and dividing employees into groups.
  4. Addressing training unit at the faculty. 

Questionnaire of extent of employees need in education/ students affairs sector to training courses.

1-    Name:

2-    Age:

           Less than 20      /      21 - 30      /       31 - 4      /      41 and more

3.    Study qualification:

Secondary education / Vocational diploma / Bachelor (Bsc.) / Master's degree / Doctor's degree.

4.    Have you previously, attended a training course? If the answer is yes, please name the courses attended, and then complete the rest of paragraph 4:

                                No           Yes

Weak Average good very good Excellent Manifestation
1.   Have you benefit from the course you have attended?
2.   Trainer's ability to conducting information
3.   Way of organizing presentation (as related to clarity and adequacy)
4.   Trainer's ability to explain the course's content
5.   Extent of trainer's cooperation with trainees
6.   Variation of activities, and exercises and means used
7.   Trainer's ability to stimulate participants to react.

  5.   Courses you are in need of choose from the following plan or add what you see appropriate / complete plan for continuous training.

Full plan for continuous training

No. Subject of training (little of the courses) Place of holding the course   Period of the Course Target group Funding sources Desire
1 Hard and soft filing           Training Chamber /  Faculty of Engineering 3days     Student Affairs Employee+ Study& Exams + Graduates + Student Care + Secretary courses in  agreed Hours       Educational servicesfunding The courses expenses are restored in case of trainee's failure
2 Englishlanguage 3days
3 ICDL 3days
4 Rapid maintenance of computers and printing machines 3days
5 Credited hours and academic guidance 3days
6 Organizing conferences, courses and workshops 3days
7 Preparing and writing reports 3days
8 Effective communication with students 3days
9 MIS Electronic Systems 3days


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