Sector Businesses

Education/Students' Affairs Department in concerned with the following businesses:

  • Participating in drawing up the policy that is related to study, exams, educations and students.
  • Following up the execution of the Supreme Council of Universities decrees and theUniversity Council and Education/Students' council.
  • Taking part in exacting times related to the start and end of the academic year and summer vacation in light of the University Council's decrees and talling the faculities of them.
  • Preparing statistics and statements required for bringing out nformation and also preparating of periodical and yearly reports, Preparing timetables necessary to teaching and exacting the hours necessary.
  • Receiving newcomer students and distributing them to different programs in according to the criteria set by the Faculty Council.
  • Preparing a private file for each student, entering special statements for students according to statement rule set by university and registering them in the registration books.
  • Extracting students' cards after they have paid stipulated study fees.
  • Preparing students names lists and sending those lists to the different educational departments, and following up students' attendance in lectures and sections.
  • Participating in summer training activites of the students of the faculty.
  • Preparating the cards required by the control, supervision, controland exams deeds.
  • Registring and accumulating related exams results and registering them in the registration books.
  • Preparing forms for medical checks for newcomer students and also preparing the cards related to health care.
  • Transferring students from and to the faculty, and moving them and ceasing registration.
  • Extracting record certificates and filling up hostels forms.
  • Following up of military training for male students.
  • Revising forms of exams correction related to the teaching stuff members and  also those related to delegates.

Connect with us en

Mansoura, Republic Street - the university campus, the main gate to Al-Bahr Street

  • dummy 2202248- 2202245 (050)

  • dummy 2202251 (050)


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