Vision, mission and goals

The vision :

That is to make the department leader at the academic learning, scientific research and community services in the engineering domains at the local and the regional levels.

Mission :

Graduating electric engineers at the levels of the local and regional vying levels and making a scientific researches and offering services for the community at the domain of the electric engineering.


  1. Preparing engineers with the demanded technical skills at the domains of designing, applying, manufacturing, testing, documenting, operating, analyzing, developing and supervising the electric systems
  2. Preparing engineers to work as members in an active team work, who are proficient in communication skills and have the ability of advancement in their practical life and coping with the occupational developments.
  3. Preparing engineers who respect the job ethics and the work traditions in their specials and transfer it to their community
  4. Providing the scientific and applied services and consultations to all the country's sectors and the special one.
  5. Publishing and developing the engineering knowledge in the domain of the electric engineering to the engineers at the different fields.
  6. Making and publishing the scientific researchers at the domain of electric engineering
  7. Making the scientific conferences, the symposiums, seminars, to cope with the scientific development in electrical engineering.


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Mansoura, Republic Street - the university campus, the main gate to Al-Bahr Street

  • dummy 2202248- 2202245 (050)

  • dummy 2202251 (050)


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