Graduates office


Following up the graduates of the faculty to strengthen the relation between the faculty and its graduates and between the faculty and society , this for involving the graduate in the labor market and participating in providing the local and regional labor market with engineers of our faculty.

2- Goals :

  • Helping in finding out work opportunities , temporary or permanent to the faculty's graduates and make it easy for the graduates to enroll their data .
  • Activating the database of the faculty and make it available for the graduates to enroll their data
  • Establishing a local and regional database that specials in the needs of the labor market and the available opportunities for the graduates .
  • Following up the functional conditions of the faculty's graduates 
  • Qualifying the graduate through the continues training to raise the demanded skills of labor market .
  • Establishing a league for the graduates of faculty of engineering – Mansoura university. 

Specials :

  • Finding out a close relation between the graduates and the faculty permanently, to strengthen their belonging to the faculty and the university
  • Giving the chance to the graduates to renew their information and developing their levels and their scientific skills permanently.
  • Activating the continues learning programs by the faculty to make training courses and programs for the graduates .
  • Issuing a magazine or annual bulletin .
  • Inviting the graduates in the faculty's occasions and its different activity programs .
  • Making a day for the graduates annually ,this for linking the graduates to the faculty and among themselves.
  • Helping the graduates who didn’t gain a convenient jobs and this by announcing the available chances in organizations and authorities of different specials .

Forming the office authority :

  • A teaching staff member for the office
  • Teaching staff member
  • Teaching staff member
  • Two from the beneficiaries ( the faculty's graduates )
  • Graduates affair manager
  • The office's secretary

The graduates unit achieves its goals through these branches :

Graduates league:

The responsible for supervising the graduates league is the manager of graduates affairs ,the league of the graduates is specialized in

  1. Preparing databases for the work places and its permanent loading
  2. Cooperating with business men , companies and the industrial organizations to achieve the goals of the office
  3. Designing and managing information network for the faculty's graduates to communicate with the faculty and between themselves on the international information network .
  4. Loading the addresses and the workplaces of the graduates permanently .
  5. Organinzing the annual graduates meeting .
  6. Cooperation for making use of the available chances of the graduates who has gained chances for job, for the services of their fellows who hasn’t gain chance for job or training and exchanging experts
  7. Communicating with graduates through the different means of communication, that strengthen the relation of the graduates with the faculty .

Study branch and human resources development administration:

The supervisor on the studies branches and human resources development is a teaching staff member from the office authorization and it specializes in :

  1. Making the demanded studies for cooperating between the learning outputs and the demands of the labor work .
  2. Making the reconnaissance survey about the numbers of the graduates in the different specials and the ratio of the workers among them and the nonworking and the faculty is provided by it to make the demanded procedures .
  3. Making the demanded procedures of rehabilitation procedures and training the graduates for their preparing for the labor market
  4. Preparing questionnaires of the employers opinions about the numbers and the categories of the graduates.
  5. Holding symposiums and training courses for the final years studies in the domains of human resources development and the leading skills and writing the CVs.

Employment branch:

The supervisor on the employment branch is a member of the teaching staff and the two beneficiaries (the faculty's graduates )in the office's authority and the employment branch specials with :

  1. Helping the graduates to gain opportunities for work cooperating with the businessmen and the industry sectors.
  2. Managing the system of the information network for the site of work demanded
  3. Communicating with the businessmen to know the available jobs and announcing them for the work demanded.
  4. Cooperating for making annual employment meeting at the faculty and the university .
  5. Preparing short training courses for the habilitation of the work demanded to cope with the labor market .
  6. Preparing files contain complete information about all the areas that have opportunities for jobs and loading them on the international information network (internet).
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