Fulbright is Opening Application Submissions for Egyptian Students and Professors for the 2026-2027 academic year

 Grants and Scholarships

 Fulbright offers opportunities for Egyptian graduate students, professors, and professionals to study, research, and receive professional training in the United States in all fields. They also have grants for American students and professors to teach and conduct research in Egypt.
Fulbright Egyptian Student Program Grants:
• Master’s Degree Fully funded for university graduates for a maximum of two years. The application deadline is May 31, 2025.
• Arts Grant Fully funded for professional artists to attend master classes or conduct field research in applied, fine, or performing arts for 6 to 9 months.
• MBA for University and Research Center Leadership Fully funded Master’s Degree in Business Administration for Egyptian full-time faculty members at Egyptian Universities or Research Centers.
• Ph.D. Joint Supervision Fully funded for students registered in Ph.D. programs at universities in Egypt to collect data or conduct research for their Ph.D. degrees under the joint supervision between a supervisor in Egypt and an American co-supervisor.
• Visiting Student Researcher Fully funded for students registered in Ph.D. programs at universities in Egypt to collect data or conduct research for 6 to 9 months.
• Islamic Studies Fully funded for graduates of Islamic Studies from relevant faculties at Al-Azhar University or the faculties of Dar Al-Ulum to pursue graduate studies in Islamic Studies.
Fulbright Egyptian Scholar Program Grants:
• Research Grant Opportunities for Egyptian faculty members from Egyptian universities and research centers to conduct research at U.S. institutions. Grant duration is 3 to 9 months.
• Arts Management Research Research opportunities at U.S. institutions for Egyptian professionals and academics who work in arts and cultural management, or museum and heritage studies.
To view all the Fulbright programs available to Egyptians and Americans with contact information and electronic pages for each program, please download the attached file by clicking on this link :::

To apply, visit apply.iie.org/fvsp2026. For more information, visit www.fulbright-egypt.org or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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