An Invitation to attend a conference entitled: “Processing, Performance and Failure Analysis of Engineering Materials”


We are honored to report that, in cooperation between the Metals Research and Development Center, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and the International Congress on Fracture (ICF), the second international conference of this Federation will be organized in Africa and the Middle East region during the period 18-21 November 2024, Luxor, Egypt under
Title: “Processing, Performance and Failure Analysis of Engineering Materials”, due to the success of hosting the first conference of this union in 14-17 November 2011, Luxor. The conference will discuss important scientific and technological topics, including the properties and performance of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys - super alloys, including nickel and titanium alloys - polymer and composites - biomaterials / biomechanics - creep - fatigue - corrosion - various manufacturing technologies, including Foundry, welding, industrial modeling, 3D manufacturing, powder metallurgy - welding repair and non-destructive testing - laser material processing - analysis of the causes of breakdowns in factory equipment and how to overcome them in different industrial sectors.

In order to bring this international conference to the appropriate level for Egypt as a leading country in the African and Middle East region, we look forward to broad participation in the conference activities from faculty members to enrich and maximize the benefit from the exchange of knowledge and experience among conference participants from different regions of the world and thus contribute to building the development of human capabilities, which is considered the backbone of community development. Attached is the registration form for the participation of faculty members at public universities and other research institutions in the conference, and 3 copies of the conference brochure.

Conference website:

For more details, please visit this link:::

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