Announcement Regarding Offering Free Scholarships to Top Students (STEM)

Grants and Scholarships


Announcement regarding offering free scholarships to top students graduating from outstanding schools in science and technology (STEM) based on the decision of the Supreme Council of Universities. The conditions for the scholarship are as follows:
⁃ The scholarship is for a full academic year (first semester, second semester).
⁃ Complete exemption from all tuition fees except registration fees and administrative fees.
⁃ The scholarship remains valid if the student obtains a cumulative grade point average (3.7) or more at the end of the second semester.
⁃ If the student in the second semester does not obtain the required cumulative GPA (3.7) and registers for the summer semester at his own expense and obtains the required GPA (3.7), the scholarship will remain valid.
⁃ The scholarship continues to be valid automatically at the beginning of the next academic year, provided that the cumulative GPA continues to be maintained (3.7).
⁃ Best wishes Quality Programs Department Management.

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