Mansoura University in Cooperation with ISF, Offers Full Scholarships to Egyptian High School and STEM Students 

Mansoura University, in cooperation with the Innovators and Geniuses Fund (ISF), offers full scholarships to Egyptian students graduating from high school and STEM schools applying for undergraduate study at Mansoura University (MU) in the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Computers and Information for the academic year 2023-2024, covering the entire duration of study.

Application is made through the link (
Eligibility Criteria:
• Be an Egyptian national residing in Egypt in addition to being brilliant in one of the fields of Science and Technology.
• Be a graduate of Egyptian Thanaweya Amma or STEM Schools in 2022/2023.
• Pass the IQ Tests.
• Demonstrate a strong record of extra-curricular activities, research, innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship abilities and participation in philanthropic activities.
• Satisfy the admission requirements at MU, including English language proficiency, and academic excellence.
Scholarship Policy:
• If your final High School Scores or English test scores are less than the required, your application will be declined after the review.
• High academic progress toward completion of degree requirements. A scholarship recipient is required to maintain a minimum of 2.5 GPA throughout the course of study. Failure to maintain the required GPA will result in losing their place on the scholarship program.
• The scholarship program is designed to help students complete their degree requirements within the specific number of semesters for their selected major.
• The Scholarship covers Fall and Spring semesters only.
• Maintaining an acceptable level of attendance in all classes and receiving no disciplinary warnings is a must.
How to Apply:
1. Use the university’s website to find out the requirements and conditions for applying.
2. Application is made through the link (
3. Make sure to enter a valid and correct mobile number and email address.
4. The online application is to be submitted only once, since submitting multiple applications will disqualify the applicant from admission. Therefore, please make sure that you fill in all the information accurately.
5. Any provided wrong information on the application will disqualify the applicant from the admission.
6. Prepare clear scans of the following documents if available to be attached at the end of the ONLINE application:
 Scanned copy of your High School Certificate (Egyptian Thanaweya Amma or any equivalent certificate). In case your certificate has more than 1 page, please scan all the pages and save them in 1 file.
 Scanned copy of your national ID, passport, or birth certificate.
 International standardized English passing test score (TOEFL-IBT or IELTS- Academic), if available.
 A list of extra-curricular activities that you participated in during high school. If available.
 A list of charitable and volunteer works in which you participated during your high school period. If available.
 Awards received. If available.
 A recent personal photo.

for more about the scholarships offered, please contact the Fund for Welfare of Innovators and Geniuses through its pages on social media. Or through email

 For more about the scholarships , please contact the Innovators Support Fund through its pages on social media. or via e-mail. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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