Best PhD Thesis Award

 Name  Date
 Dr. Ahmed Hazem Mahmoud - Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics and Engineering Physics (Applied Engineering Mathematics) 24/7/2022  4
 Dr. Mohamed Yahya Abdel Fattah Azab - Associate Lecturer, Department of Mathematics and Engineering Physics (Engineering Physics)  24/7/2022  3
 Dr./ Doaa Adel Abdel Salam Al Tantawy
Lecturer at the Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering
 19/5/2020  dr doaa
 Dr. Bisshawi, Alqis Sidhom Bishai Ibrahim
Lecturer at the Department of Electrical Engineering
 14/5/2020  dr beshoy
 Dr./ Fahmy Abdullah Mohamed Khalifa
Lecturer at the Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering
 9/5/2014  dr fahmy
 Dr./ Mohamed Farhat Othman Ismail Hamid
Lecturer at the Department of Engineering Mathematics and Engineering Physics
 25/6/2012  dr farahat
 Dr./ Mohamed Mohamed Shawky Abdel Alim Abu Laila
Lecturer at the Department of Architectural Engineering
 4/7/2010  dr abo lela
Dr./ Nihal Fahmy Gomaa Arida
Lecturer at the Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering
3/3/2009 dr nihal
Dr./ Noha Fouda Ibrahim Salama
Lecturer at the Department of Production Engineering and Mechanical Design
1/1/2007 dr noha
Dr./ Mohamed Abdel Azim Mohamed Abdel Azim
Lecturer at the Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering
1/6/2007 dr abdelazeem
Dr./ Munir Murad Misbah Hassan
Lecturer at the Department of Textile Engineering
Dr./ Sherif Ahmed Ali Sheta
Lecturer at the Department of Architecture
1/1/2004 dr shiref
Dr./ Hassan Sayed Mohamed Hadiya
Lecturer at the Department of Production Engineering and Mechanical Design
1/1/1999 dr hasan hedia
Dr./ Hisham Arafat Khalifa
Lecturer at theDepartment of Computer and Systems Engineering
11/7/1999 dr hesham
Dr./ Eman Muhammad Muhammad Al-Shahat
Lecturer at the Department of Textile Engineering
1/1/1997 dr eyman
Dr./ Mahmoud Mohamed El Meligy
Lecturer in the Department of Structural Engineering
1/1/1995 dr elmeleegy
Dr./ Hamdy Ahmed Abdullah Ibrahim
Instructor, Department of Textile Engineering
Dr./ Alsayed Ahmed Shoaib
Lecturer in the Department of Public Works
1/1/1992 dr shoaeeb

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