The American Institute of International Education Announces Winning Four Student Teams from the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University in HIVER Competition

 The American Institute of International Education announced the winning of four student teams (three undergraduate teams and a postgraduate one) from the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University in partnership with the following American universities:

University of San Antonio, Texas USA and Ball State University, USA.

Outperforming their peers from other regional and international universities in the Middle East (MENA), they have been selected as winners of the HIVER (Using Innovation through Virtual Exchange to Achieve Better Results) competition as shown in the list below, and the winning students whose departments are (The Department of Civil Engineering – Building and Construction Program – Department of Electrical Engineering) will travel to Washington, D.C., August 20-25 to participate in the final round of the competition.
It is worth mentioning that the Faculty of Engineering - Mansoura University is the leading faculty in this project in Egypt, as it has participated in this project for three successive semesters. A number of joint courses with American universities were virtually taught to students from both universities. Congratulations to the winning students.

For more details, click on this link.

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