Student Competition Entitled "Student Visions in the Fields of Digital Transformation and Climate Change"

In light of the current challenges facing the whole world and the Egyptian state’s orientation towards digital transformation. Egypt will be hosting the Climate Summit which will be held in November of this year in Sharm El Sheikh, it will discuss climate change issues as well as the measures to be taken to confront it. Taking into consideration the critical role of active student participation in presenting their insights on these important files; based on the faculty’s vision and mission, in order to achieve its strategic goals, the faculty holds a competition among its students entitled “Student Visions in the Fields of Digital Transformation and Climate Change.”

Eligible to Participate:
Faculty of Engineering students from all academic departments and programs.

Competition mechanism:
The student prepares the following files in which he presents his vision on one of the two topics presented:

⁃ Presentation (PowerPoint file).
⁃ PDF file.
⁃ A video no longer than five minutes.

Submission mechanism: The above-mentioned files are uploaded to the following link:
Student Visions Competition 2 - Registration Form

Contest terms:
Registration is done on the link through the university email of the student.
A student may not submit more than one proposal.

Evaluation Mechanism:
50 marks on the quality and applicability of the idea + 50 marks on the quality and skills of the presentation.

Contest prizes: ten prizes;

First prize: 5000 Egyptian pounds
Second prize: 3000 Egyptian pounds
Third prize: 2000 Egyptian pounds
Prizes from fourth to sixth place: 1000 Egyptian pounds.
Prizes from seventh to tenth place: 500 Egyptian pounds.

A certificate of participation in the competition will be awarded to all applicants.

Application deadline: April 25, 2022, with the final qualifiers to be held publicly in Prof.Dr. Majdi Abu Rayan amphitheater during the second week of May 2022.

• Explanatory video for a student about the competition "Student Visions for the Development of Engineering Education in the Light of Corona Pandemic"

For more inquiries, please contact via e-mail:

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