Congratulations to the Six Teams of the Faculty of Engineering - Mansoura University, Winner of the Practical Innovations Competition at the Air Defense College (ISEIC 2022)

Congratulations to the six teams from the Faculty of Engineering - Mansoura University, who won the Practical Innovations Competition at the Air Defense College (ISEIC 2022), in the second and third phases qualifiers.

It is worth noting that the faculty has participated in nine projects that qualified in the first stage, and six of them maintained the lead until the final stage.

The topics of these projects varied to include the fields of robotics, communications, artificial intelligence, medical engineering, as well as renewable energy.

The winning projects are:

1. Self Operating Xray Machine Using IOT with Auto Diagnosing System Using Deep learning Project under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Hossam El Din Mostafa and Dr. Ihab Abdel Hai.

2. The Regeneration Of Green Energy In Highway Project, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Badran.

3. MafQud - A Mobile Application for Finding Missing People Using Computer Vision Techniques Project under the supervision of Assistant Prof. Dr. Amr Thabet.

4. Implement a Pain-Relieving Device Using Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation “TENS” project under the supervision of Assistant Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Saafan and Eng. Shorouk Mohamed.

5. Water Cleaning Robot Project under the supervision of Dr. Mohamed Sabry Saraya.

6. Production of Pure Water Using Solar Energy Project under the supervision of Dr. Mohamed Sameh.


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