A Cooperation Protocol between the Faculty of Engineering and Cadcamcim for Systems Company

A distinct positive step added to the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, where Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Dean of the Faculty discussed a memorandum of understanding with both Eng. Ahmed Greda, executive director and Eng. Khaled Hassan, deputy director for business development, Cadcamcim for Systems Company. This was in the presence of Eng. Ahmed Kamal, the faculty’s advisor for development and digital transformation, after that a cooperation protocol was signed between the Faculty of Engineering and Cadcamcim for Systems company.

Cadcamcim for Systems is an Egyptian company with a regional presence in Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Egypt, it provides engineering solutions services and applications of the fourth industrial revolution in the field of engineering design and manufacturing.
It is also the agent for the software-owned Dassault Systems Company and 3D XP SOLIDWORKS.

The cooperation protocol main aim is to serve the scientific research process, help students, and perform the faculty’s role entrusted to it towards the institutions of the external community.

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