An Initiative to Support "Innovative Applications for Engineering Development at Mansoura University"

Within the framework of Mansoura University’s celebrations of the Golden Jubilee and the announcement of Mansoura University as a national university of the fourth generation, and based on the keenness of the management of the Faculty of Engineering at Mansoura University to support student projects, especially in the field of Digital Transformation, the Student Projects Unit announces the launch of an initiative to support “Innovative Applications for Engineering Development at Mansoura University.”

Conditions for applying:

  1. The team should consist of a minimum of two students and a maximum of six students.
  1. The team members should be students from the Faculty of Engineering - Mansoura University.
  1. The team leader must fill in the initiative registration form on the link,,,

To view and follow up on more student opportunities and services, you can contact the unit at:

The unit's website

The unit's Facebook page

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