Nomination and Submission for the Nile Awards, State Awards, Excellence, Encouragement, and Pioneers

Mansoura University

Sector of the Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research,

General Administration of Research


Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim,

Dean of the Faculty of Engineering


Further to our book dated 12/10/2021 regarding what was stated by the President of the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology regarding nomination and submission for State Awards, which include (Nile Awards, State Appreciation Awards, Excellence, Incentives and Pioneers) for the year 2021 in the fields of science and advanced technological sciences. Kindly take the necessary action towards providing us with your esteemed faculty’s nominations that fulfill the conditions and controls previously announced in our aforementioned letter so that they can be presented to the Councils of Graduate Studies and Research and the University Council. Note that the application period has been extended until 21/11/2021.


Vice President of the University

Prof. Dr. Ashraf Tariq Hafez

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