

JFolder: :files: Path is not a folder. Path: /var/www/html/faculties/faceng/images/gallery/2016/parti1



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The dean of the faculty has met the administrative structure at the faculty

In a family atmosphere the Prof.Dr/ Mohammed Alsaeed , the dean of the faculty has met the administrative structure at the faculty in the attendance of Prof.Dr/ Hesham Arafat Ali , the vice dean for the students and education affairs , Prof Dr/ Maher Abdalrazek , the vice dean for community serviceand environmental development and Mr/Ashraf Aldeeb , the general manager of the faculty

At the beginning , his mastership asserted his vision that depends on the development idea all over the sectors of the faculty as a continuous effort to those who hold this post before .

Also , his mastership asserted that everyone should be aware of the self-observation in work towards achieving the work goals which is the better performance.

Also, his mastership, has discussed and the masterships vice deans many issues that related to the administrative structure , like the observation works , the attendance and departure , the awards system as a principle of the award and the punishment as a general principle that goes upon the all without any discrimination .

At the end , the discussion was available between his mastership and the administrative system members , that goes around their problems and the ways of finding out solves to them .
Its notable that the prof. dr/ the dean of the faculty has congratulated the Christian brothers with their feast , and the Muslims with Ramadan wishing Allah bless us and make peace be up on us . 



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