
The Administrative and Financial System for Egyptian, Arab and International Trainees
Mansoura University
modified version


First: the Administrative System

Article (1):
The Supreme Committee for Egyptian, Arab and international trainees at Mansoura University is formed by a decision of Prof. / President of the University for a period of two years, subject to renewal based on the proposal of Prof. / Vice President of the University for Postgraduate Studies, Research and Cultural Relations, as follows:
- Vice President of the University for Postgraduate Studies, Research and Cultural Relations. Chairman
- Two deans of the faculties involved in training Member
- Executive Director of University Hospitals           Member
- Two university staff members with experience in the field of training
- Director of the General Department of Cultural Relations        Secretary of the Council

- Financial Member           Member
- Legal Member           Member

The committee members will be nominated by Prof. Dr./ Vice President of the University for Postgraduate Studies, Research and Cultural Relations, with the approval of Prof. Dr./ President of the University.
A register is prepared in which the minutes of the committee meetings are recorded, signed by the secretary and chair of the session, and submitted to the university president for approval.

Article (2): The Supreme Committee is responsible for the following:
1. Develop and approve the general policy for trainees in the faculties concerned with training at the university and conducting research there.
2. Consider creating and adding new training programs.
3. Consider developing performance and new means and methods for training and research.
4. Discuss the problems and obstacles that hinder research and training processes and find solutions for them.
5. Consider the subcommittees’ proposals regarding training and research policy.
6.Consider the proposals of the subcommittees regarding the rules for selecting trainers and trainees.
7. Approval of the minutes of subcommittees in various entities.
8.Approval of all about financial, administrative and technical affairs of the training programs provided by the parties involved in training.

Article (3):
The Supreme Committee meetings are held at least once a month upon invitation from the Chairman of the Committee, and the attendance allowance for attending the sessions is determined according to the approval of the Committee.

Article (4):
- A sub-committee for Egyptian, Arab and international trainees is formed in each faculty concerned with training for a period of two years, headed by the Dean of the Faculty. Its organizational structure is issued by a decision from Prof. / President of the University after the approval of Prof. / Vice President of the University for Postgraduate Studies, Research and Cultural Relations based on the nomination of Prof. / Dean of the Faculty for committee members.
- The subcommittee helds one meeting every month at least, at the invitation of its chairman, and the allowance for attending sessions is determined in accordance with the proposal of the subcommittee and the approval of the Supreme Committee.
-Records are prepared, in which the minutes of the committee’s meetings are recorded, signed by the secretary and chair of the session, and submitted to the Supreme Committee for approval.

Article (5): Application Rules:
1.Each faculty sets the conditions that must be met by applicants for training, whether Egyptians, Arabs or international, in accordance with its own regulations and laws.
2.Each faculty determines application dates and training duration according to the programs specified by its scientific departments.
3. Each faculty determines the number of applicants for training in scientific departments according to its absorptive capacity after the approval of the subcommittee and the approval of the supreme committee.
4. Each faculty determines the application method in order to facilitate procedures for trainees, whether Egyptian, Arab or international.
5.The subcommittees are committed to the following:
• Prepare a description of the training programs that includes the number and specialization in which the training will be conducted, along with specifying the number of lectures. It is permissible for more than one department to participate in the training program based on coordination among them.
• Identify the trainers and the tasks of each of them, provided that they are university staff members who specialize in this program.
• If more than one department participates in the training, the percentage allocated to those in charge of the training is distributed according to the percentage of participation in the different specializations.
6. The trainee is given a certificate signed by Prof./Dean of the Faculty stating the duration of the training and its scientific content and approved by the Chairman of the University’s Supreme Committee.

Second: The financial system
Article (6):
The revenues of Egyptian, Arab and international trainees, as approved by the Supreme Committee, consist of the following resources:
(1) Fee for admission applications. This fee is determined by each faculty and approved by the Supreme Committee.
(2) Fee for scientific training, clinical training, visits, and scientific missions to benefit from the capabilities of departments, laboratories, and university units in research and training, as follows:

A- Arab and international trainees

Arab and international researchers pay fees in dollars as follows:

$300 per week for a month visit
$1000 per month for a period of more than 3 months
$800 per month for a period of more than 3 months up to 6 months
$600 per month for a period of up to more than 6 months

B- Egyptians

Egyptian researchers (individuals and affiliated with various institutions) pay fees in Egyptian pounds as follows:

(100) pounds per week for up to a month
(2000) pounds per month for a period of more than one month up to 3 months
(1600) pounds per month for a period of more than 3 months up to 6 months
(1200) pounds per month for a period exceeding 6 months

(3) Library services fees
The fees required for the services the researcher obtains in the library sector is determined as follows:
❖ 25 pounds per hour for using the digital library.
❖ 2 pounds for printing computer paper.
❖ 5 pounds for scanning a paper.
❖ 25 pounds in return for collecting data on a disc.
❖ 20 pounds in return for collecting data on the disk.
(4) Consumable Material Fees
The entity where the training was conducted determines the value of the supplies, chemicals, etc., consumed in laboratories and units in conducting research and training, to which a percentage of 20% is added for the use of devices and equipment.
(5) With regard to trainees (Egyptians, Arabs, and international) who are subject to the agreements and protocols that the university concludes with other parties, they are subject to the financial treatment stipulated in the agreement or protocol.
(6) Any other revenues are approved in accordance with the rules regulating this.
Article (7):
The revenues collected shall be distributed in accordance with the previous article as follows:
(1) Application revenue for admission, is allocated entirely to the faculty to be spent on the same purpose.
(2) Scientific training, clinical training, visits, and scientific missions revenues for Egyptians, Arabs, and international applicants, is distributed between the university administration and the concerned party as follows:
A - The percentage of 30% shares of the research unit in the university administration is distributed after deducting the share of the Ministry of Finance as follows:
- 50% of it is revenues for the research unit.
- The remaining 50% of it is in return for the efforts of employees of the General Administration of Cultural Relations and departments related to the university’s administration, and it was disbursed with the approval of Prof. Dr./Vice President of the University for Postgraduate Studies and Research and Chairman of the Supreme Committee.
B - The percentage of 70% for the faculty involved in training is distributed after deducting the Ministry of Finance’s share as follows:
- 50% of it is for the development of laboratories, graduate studies and research at the faculty, as follows:
❖ The percentage (50%) is allocated equally between the Faculty of Medicine and its training unit.
❖ Other faculties are allocated the full percentage (50%).
- The remaining 50% is in return for the efforts of those responsible for training at the faculty, and is allocated as follows:
❖ 35% of trainers’ dues.
❖ 15% for the efforts of employees in the relevant departments and is distributed as follows:
- The percentage (15%) is allocated equally between the Faculty of Medicine and its training unit.
- The other faculties are allocated a full percentage (15%).
3) Fee for library services, it is distributed as follows:
• 20% is allocated to the account of the Research Unit and is disbursed from it in exchange for the efforts of the employees of the Central Library and the departments related to the administration of the university and is disbursed with the approval of Prof. Dr. Vice President of the University for Postgraduate Studies and Research.
• The remaining 80% is allocated to the faculty to be spent on the same purpose and to update its library.
(4) Fee for consumable materials: allocated entirely to the entity to be spent on the same purpose.
The disbursement will be made from the percentage allocated to each faculty with the approval of the Dean of the Faculty.
Article (8):
- An estimated annual budget is prepared for each faculty involved with training programs, which includes the revenues expected to be collected and the expenses estimated to be disbursed during the year that begins with the beginning of the state’s fiscal year and ends with its end.
- A final account is also prepared that includes the actual revenues and expenditures of the programs and the achieved surplus or deficit, and they are presented and approved by the faculty’s subcommittees and then presented to the university’s higher committee for approval after being financially reviewed by Mr. /Assistant -Secretary General for Financial Affairs.

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