Infrastructure Engineering Program

sAbout the program

عن الوحدة الهيكل التنظيمي النماذج و الطلبـات Press الدليل التفاعلي للفرص الطلابية الرؤية والرسالة واالفئات المستهدفة الجهـات المانحـة وحاضنات الأعمال قوالب استرشادية لمشاريع التخرج وسائـل الاتصـال Press مهام الوحدة الفرق الطلابية المسجلة بالوحدة أرشيف الفرص الطلابية للعام 2021-2022 A Welcome Word Mission and Vision Objectives It is my pleasure to welcome you all to the Faculty of Engineering - Mansoura University, this distinguished scientific community, where you begin your educational and research journey, which will extend over the coming years. As Interim dean of the Faculty of Engineering, I am pleased to welcome you and your participation in this distinguished academic community.The Faculty of Engineering - Mansoura University is considered one of the most prominent engineering faculties in Egypt and the Arab world. The faculty is proud to offer distinguished educational programs that occupy advanced positions locally and internationally, as well as research opportunities in partnership with international universities. We work hard to provide an educational environment that encourages thinking and creativity, and we strive to provide you with the knowledge, skills, and foundations that will enable you to succeed in various engineering fields. The faculty also plays an active role in community participation through the accumulated expertise of professors, administrators, technicians, and researchers through the Center for Engineering Studies and Consultations and the Center for Technical, Scientific and Laboratory Services.We are working hard to create a supportive environment and a vibrant community that helps you achieve your personal and professional goals. You will find in the faculty all the support and encouragement to participate actively in student activities and research during your academic journey.I would like to encourage you to make the most of this opportunity and to work hard to achieve your goals. We are here to support you and help you in every stage of your academic journey.Once again, I welcome you to the Faculty of Engineering - Mansoura University - the distinguished entity - and I look forward to your active participation. We are all here to help you achieve success for yourselves and our beloved country, Egypt.With best regards, Interim Dean Prof. Dr. Sherif Massoud Ahmed El Badawy   Vision: Reaching the rank of innovation and leadership in the field of medical engineering and its applications.   Mission:  Preparing distinguished competent cadres, pioneers in the field of studies and scientific research to be a role model in transferring knowledge and developing local communities. Enhancing the Faculty’s capabilities to develop institutional performance and achieve excellence in all fields. Supporting the quality assurance system and continuous improvement in light of national and international quality standards. Qualifying the administrative system of the faculty to play its role in achieving the mission and objectives of the faculty with high efficiency. Developing material and resources as well as the technological and infrastructures. Improving the abilities of staff members and juniors. Augmenting the students' skills and pursuing sustainable communication with graduates. Supporting and boosting the teaching, learning and evaluation strategies. Developing the scientific research system and scientific activities. Promoting the regional and international competitiveness of the faculty. Meeting the needs and satisfying the priorities of the surrounding community in addition to furthering environmental development. Encouraging and supporting the community’s participation in the faculty’s activities.

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