Latest News of Electronics and Communication Engineering Department

Mission, Vision and the Goals

Mission :

The Electronics and Communications Engineering program is committed to prepare engineers able to compete and to pursue continuous study and research Scientific and meeting the needs of the local and regional labor market within the framework of Societal values and preservation of the national identity.


Achieving leadership in the field of electronics and communications engineering in accordance with quality standards and gaining the local and international community in the graduate of the program.

Goals :

  • Developing the capabilities and capabilities of faculty members and workers in the department and stimulating the spirit of development and creativity.
  • Developing students' educational skills by focusing on the use of new technologies and educational resources and stimulating creative students.
  • Achieving cooperation between faculty members and the local community through continuous education, seminars, research, and joint studies.
  • Providing an educational environment that helps him to innovate and innovate through the continuous development of laboratories and halls.
  • Maintaining and maintaining the infrastructure.
  • Participation in community development by creating a strong relationship with the local and departments.
  • Maintain professional and ethical responsibilities.
  • Supporting scientific research and researchers by providing a research environment to carry out scientific research, spread and apply new knowledge in a way that serves the local and regional community and interacts with the world.

Connect with us en

Mansoura, Republic Street - the university campus, the main gate to Al-Bahr Street

  • dummy 2202248- 2202245 (050)

  • dummy 2202251 (050)


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