Latest News of Electronics and Communication Engineering Department

Department's labs

Department's labs

The primary electronics lab

  • The primary electronics lad lies at the third floor of the sea labs building.
  • The lab serves the students of the 1st and 2nd years and graduating projects for the 4th year and the summer training.

معمل الدوائر الالكترونية


The electronics compass lab

  • The electronics compass lab lies at the 3rd floor of the sea lab building.
  • The lab services the students of all years and graduating projects for the 4th year and the post graduating students.

معمل القياسات الالكترونية


Electronic measurements lab

Electronic measurements lab lies at the 3rd floor of sea labs building
The lab services the students of 1st and 2nd year, graduating projects of the 4th year students , the internal summer training and also post graduating studies students.


Communication lab

The communication lab lies at the 3rd floor of the sea labs building
The lab services students 3rd and 4th year and graduating projects for the 4th year and and post graduating studies students.

معمل شبكات الاتصال

Networks lab  

The net works lab lies at the 3rd floor of the navy labs buildings
The lab services all the years and graduating projects for the 4th year and post graduating studies projects

Signal processing lab

The signal processing lab lies at the 3rd floor of navy lab building
The lab services the student of 3rd and 4th years graduating projects for the 4th year and post graduating studies projects and the internal summer training.

Optical electronics lab

The Optical electronics lab lies at the 3rd floor of navy lab building
The lab services all the years and graduating projects for the 4th year and post graduating studies projects.

Communication systems lab 

The communication systems lab lies at the 3rd floor of navy lab building
The lab services the students of 1st and 2nd year ,,graduating projects of the 4th year students, the internal summer training and also post graduating studies students.

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