Study affairs

Study affairs

  1. Students bifurcation.
  2. Students conversions.
  3. Recruitment situations.
  4. Conditions sheets.
  5. Excellence awards.
  6. Excuses and vacations.
  7. Failure dismissals.
  8. Disciplinary dismissals.
  9. Transformers budgets.
  10. Student statistics.

Study affairs (student bifurcation)

  1. The needs of students are collected in the distribution on the different departments of the faculty that were distributed on them at the end of the study year before the results of the prep year.
  2. Arranging the desires of students in each dept alone according to the degrees of the prep year from the highest to the lowest or descending order.
  3. The distribution is laid up on the basis of :
  • Achieving the student's desire according to his or her total degrees and his or her success estimate that he or she had got at the prep year and with percents determined by the faculty's council for each dept annually.
  • The capacity of each scientific dept.
  • The accepted numbers at each dept are determined according to the need of the educational policy of specifics.

Study affairs (student transformations )

  1. The learning and students affairs council at the university issues the rules that control the transformation of students during the transfer years at the faculty .
  2. The demands of transformation are collected in the determined period.
  3. The rules of transformation that are issued by the university council of the teaching and the learning affairs at all the requests of transformation
  4. The requests of transformation and the case statement are presented to the depts. To make the demanded clearing and be accredited by the special dept.
  5. The transformation detections are presented to the committee learning and students affairs to survey and make its demands.
  6. After that , they are presented to the faculty's council to accredit the recommendation of learning and students affairs committee
  7. The faculties that the student is transferred from are addressed by the acceptance of the faculty and asked for their files.
  8. The registration procedures of the transformed students to the faculty are finished and also determining their recruitment situation and entering their data on the computer.
  • And for the students who want to move from the faculty :
  • The transformation requests are collected (model no .2)
  • A cases statement is filled by the estimates and the degrees that include the approval of the faculty 's council or its deputy of the transformation or moving the registration.

Study affairs (recruitment situations)

  1. Following up the recruitment situation of students through the recruitment registeration of each study band.
  2. Dates of birth and dates of the temporary exemption certificates and the numbers of the IDs are followed.
  3. Alerting students with the temporary dismissal when the demise of the reason of their postponement or exemption expires.
  4. Preparing the decision of dismissal in the case of not determining the situation of recruitment and five copies and the military communication office is addressed by the origin , and a copy of it is kept at the dept. for the annual checkup and a photo of the student and a copy of the exams and a copy of the controls and a copy of the student's file are reserved.
  5. Easyness of the military inspection committee to checkup the recruitment registers at the faculty .
  6. Notifying the controls with the names of the dismissed students up to the determination of their recruitment situation to prevent them from entering the exams.
  7. Preparing model (no 1 draft) and sending it to the military communication office according to the code of each city center and governorate alone.
  8. Registering the decisions of postponing and the numbers of the military cards of each student who reaches the age of 18 ,annually according to the (127)law on 1980 material (38)and this is done on the computer at the dept.
  9. Filling cards for the transformed or the dismissed students or taking the files to the faculties that they moved to and sending the copies to the military communication office

Following up the recruitment situation is done to the final year students as follows:

  • Boomers before 1st sep every year are immediately recruited and they haven't the right of the exception postpone as they reached the legal age of exemption or postponement
  • Boomers after 1st sep. model 2. are prepared for them and they have the right of the exception postponement to the end of the academic year .
  • Survey Statements for the final year are prepared and they include lists of the students who have postponement only, and who gained exemption from the military service

study affairs (statement data)

  1. Student applies a paid request to get a certain document
  2. The demanded document is extracted or accrediting the specific document is permitted in the following cases :

study affairs (excuses, vacations and stopping registration)

• Sick excuses

  1. Student apply a request about his excuse of not entering the exam of the and it is registered at the contained register (model no.5)
  2. Student is transferred to the medical administration to be checked up hence, the sick excuse is regarded or not about the first or the second term or an accreditation of a sick vacation 
  3. After giving the vacation by the medical administration, it's presented to student and learning affairs committee, then the faculty's council, then students and learning affairs at the university in the case of the second sick excuse.
  4. After the agreement, student and the special controls are told 

• Stop registration 

  1. Student apply a request about not registering him in the academic year and it is registered in the contained register with a number and a date and this is done on the specific times and the request of stopping registration aren't accepted after 31/12 in the same year.(model no . 4) the request is presented to the learning and students affairs committee ,then faculty council ,then the students and learning affairs council at the faculty in the case of increasing the stopped register more than two years
  2. After the agreement, student and the special controls are told to execute the agreement

Dismissal of exhausting the times of registration

  1. Student stay at the study year for two years, if he or she fails, he or she has the right of applying from outside many times which are determined by law in each year except the prep year. He or she is finally dismissed if he or she fails on two years without an accepted excuse.
  2. Student, who has the right of applying to the exam from outside, has the right of applying a request of attending the exam, but he or she should pay 50 LE. For each subject he failed in.
  3. Student is registered again in the case of his or her success from outside.

Dismissal of exhausting the times of failure 

  1. Finally Dismissed student for exhausting times of failure through result announcement.
  2. The dismissed student has to quit from the faculty and withdraw his file .( model no.10), the dismissed student receives a dismiss certificate and with it he or she apply to another faculty that he or she wants to join according to the decision of the higher council of universities that relates to the dismissed from the practical faculties.

Study affairs (dismiss because of failure )

The decision of introducing the student to a disciplinary board from the university president by his own or according to the dean's request
What is the disciplinary punishment?

Disciplinary punishment is :

  1. Written or oral warning.
  2. Alerting.
  3. Deprivation of some student services.
  4. Deprivation of attending lessons of some curriculums for no more than one month.
  5. Dismiss from the faculty for no more than one month.
  6. Deprivation of exam in a curriculum or more.
  7. Canceling the student exam in a curriculum or more.
  8. Dismissal from the faculty for no more than one semester.
  9. Deprivation of exams for a semester or more.
  10. Dismissing of the faculty for more than a semeste.r
  11. Final dismissal from the university and this decision of dismiss is notified to the other universities.

The authorities that have the right of making the disciplinary punishment:

  • Professors and the assistant professors (the last  notified punishments 1:4).
  • Faculty's dean (the last revealed punishments from 1 : 8).
  • University president and he has the authority of making all the last notified punishments except for the final punishment (from 1 : 11).
  • Disciplinary board (the last notified punishments from 1:11).

Forming a disciplinary council

The students disciplinary board is formed as follows :

  • Faculty's dean.
  • The faculty's representative for students and learning affairs.
  • The oldest member at the faculty's council.
  • It isn't permitted to appeal against the decision of the student disciplinary board except for ways of resumption and then, it should be a written resumption and the resumption is applied to the university's president by the student through fifteen days from the announced date of telling him or her the decision; hence, student should tell the higher disciplinary board through fifteen days.

The higher disciplinary board is formed as follows :

  • The specialist deputy of the university president.
  • The dean of the faculty of law or one professor in it
  • The professor of the faculty that the student is enrolled in.

A decision from the university's president is made by the master's choice.

study affairs (excellence award)

  1. The forms of the excellence awards are filled for the new students who are candidate to be accepted in the faculty through the electronic cooperation or the main cooperation office and also, students who are accepted to transform or the modified candidate by the central transforming office each year , and it's only for (general Egyptian secondary – five years technical diploma-technical institute)and passing out these forms to the administration of accounts and budgets at the faculty to make the demanded procedures to carry out these awards which are determined by the decision of the higher council of the university.
  2. For students who passed the prep year (from 1st to 4th) …. A survey is made to all students who got excellent and very good estimate in each year and filling forms of their names with the determined amount of cash to each students according to his or her estimate of the last year, and passing them out to the administration of accounts and budgets at the faculty to make the demanded procedures to carry out these awards which are determined by the decision of the higher council of the university.

Study affairs (statistics)

Statistics of different kinds are collected and which are concerned with the numbers of students at the faculty even in each dept. or year or at the level of the whole faculty, according to the demanded type of statistics and that's like (registration conditions –genre-nationality –religion-qualification-estimate-study fees….etc.) also the different data is extracted and this is done through the university's data base and ( Ibn al Haytham)system to manage student's affairs .

Study affairs (transformers budgets)

  1. The faculty's council issues the rules that control student's transformation from and to the faculty at the beginning of the year.
  2. The students are transformed through the central transform office under the supervise of the general administration of students and learning affairs. The applied requests are collected in the specified period by a delegate from student's affairs administration.
  3. The issued transformation rules by the faculty's council are applied on all the requests and it's divided to accepted and rejected.
  4. Budgets of the accepted students are made by the special scientific departments.
  5. The lists of the transformation are presented to students and learning affairs committee to be revised.
  6. After that they are presented to the faculty's council to accredit the recommendation of the students and learning affairs. committee then, it's sent to the university's administration to be accredited.
  7. Students who are accepted are informed with the result of their budgets.
  8. The faculties that the students transformed from are told to ask for their files after their agreement of their budgets.
  9. The files of students who have been accepted to transfer from the faculty to the faculties where they have been transferred after addressing us of their acceptance.
  10. The demanded procedures of the registration of the students who had moved to the faculty are made.

Study affairs (bifurcations)

The bifurcation of the prep year students annually of the successors and who moved to the 1st year

  • The desires forms are passed out to students to fill them and return them to the exams and study affairs dept. at the end of the academic year and before the appearance of prep year results (model no.6)
  • Arranging the desires of students in each dept. alone according to their numbers in the prep year from the highest to the lowest.

The distribution is done according to :-

  • Achieving the desire of the student according to his or her success total in the prep year and with a percent determined by the faculty's council for each academic year.
  • Determining the accepted number in each dept. according to the demands of the learning policy in the country.
  • Preparing the lists of each dept. after being accredited according to the decision of the faculty's council by determining the numbers of each dept. and sending them to the department of the registration affairs.
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