General services


 Medical treatment

Every student has the right to get health insurance card from the student affairs administration and according to this card the student is cured for free at students hospital at the university and it lies in the services compound in front of the faculty of education 

How to get health insurance card?

  • Apply to the administration of students affairs at your faculty 
  • Pay the contract of the safe of one pound and forty piasters 

Student receive the health insurance card from the responsible officer for student affairs administration.

How to make social search :

  • Student should take social research application from student care administration at the faculty

  • Student fills the data of the application then it is adopted by student affairs administration then the social affairs unit of the student

  • The search is accompanied with (type from the card of student – student responder salary if the students parent is a clerk “, statement of agricultural possession if the student parent from the countryside”, statement of the parent pension if the parent is retired or died

  • The documents that is for the research are attached (treatment –text books-surgery operations-compensatory devices –pay the fees of university town – make medical glasses) .

  • The research is received to the responsible clerk of the band at the administration of students care

  • The researchers are exposed to the formed committees to each study band alone.

The procedures of students recruitment :

  1. As soon as the student reaches the age of (19) newcomer or restricted since many years , he has to apply quickly to the military card and the student gain this card from the police station of his town and that to complete the procedures of postponing his recruitment to the age of (28)or apply the final or temporary exemption certificate
  2. Student who studies regularly has the right of postponing his recruitment to the age of 28 and has the right of continuing his study to this age or gaining his qualification
  3. If the student ended the military service or finally or temporarily exempted from it he has to apply with the proved certificate (the original) not the copy
  4. If item no.3 doesn’t apply on the student he has to go by himself to the military area that he follows then he applies then he apply the certificate of recruitment by the unit he follows that is adopted by military records attached with the agreement of the training authority ,mission branch to enter the exam if he wants to attend the exam (every one is researched by students affairs to know if the student need postpone or not.
  5. Student who reaches the age of 28 during his study at the faculty ,his recruitment area should be told to determine his situation by apply a final or temporary exemption or following his recruitment area and then telling the faculty about his recruitment that is adopted by the military records
  6. For the student of temporary exemption his certificate should be renewed if its validity had finished and if the reason of the temporary exemption had vanished ,his limitation is stopped and his recruitment area should be told


Railway participation :

  1. Getting an application from rail way authority +2 personal photos to the student
  2. The application is filled by the special clerk of the band at the student affairs administration
  3. Paying tuition fees is a condition to gain this participation 


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