Strategic Objectives of the Faculty

  1. Enhancing the Faculty’s capabilities to develop institutional performance and achieve excellence in all fields.
  2. Supporting the quality assurance system and continuous improvement in light of national and international quality standards.
  3. Qualifying the administrative system of the faculty to play its role in achieving the mission and objectives of the faculty with high efficiency.
  4. Developing material and resources as well as the technological and infrastructures.
  5. Improving the abilities of staff members and juniors.
  6. Augmenting the students' skills and pursuing sustainable communication with graduates.
  7. Supporting and boosting the teaching, learning and evaluation strategies.
  8. Developing the scientific research system and scientific activities.
  9. Promoting the regional and international competitiveness of the faculty.
  10. Meeting the needs and satisfying the priorities of the surrounding community in addition to furthering environmental development.
  11. Encouraging and supporting the community’s participation in the faculty’s activities.

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Mansoura, Republic Street - the university campus, the main gate to Al-Bahr Street

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