An invitation to participate in the asphalt drawing that is organized by faculty of commerce from 12/3 to 27 /3 /2016
KD VIII N7 Glowing
An invitation to participate in the asphalt drawing that is organized by faculty of commerce from 12/3 to 27 /3 /2016
KD VIII N7 Glowing
Under the auspice of mister Prof. Dr/Mohammed Alkenawy ,mister Prof.Dr/Zaki Zidan th dean of the faculty and the leadership of mister Maher Abdalrazak the vice dean for the community service affairs and environmental development ,mistress Prof.Dr/Lamis Algizawy , the head of architecture engineering department , today the
The introductory lecture event " the city's conversation ,the places speak…let's listen "
Has been held .
This according to the workshop that is held by architecture engineering department at the faculty from 21to25 Feb 2016 with cooperating with the cultural " robort bosh" organization that follows "Hawata" institute to the German embassy at Cairo and with cooperation with the initiation of save Mansoura heritage .
The management of the lecture and the workshop was by Prof.Stevany kerles the professor of natural landscape and location arrangement in Germany.
The axes of the symposium were various as they introduced the soundscape , the steps of producing audio map to the urban places in addition to a hint a bout the history of the audio maps and also it hade exposed some experiments of previous projects .
About the aims of the lecture they are:
- making an audio map to the heritage places in mansoura through some mp3 audio files that give the visitor the ability to load it from the internet and listen to the history of these places during touring in it through his mobile and a hand free accompanied with digital map to the location of the buildings of audio files as it makes them able to listen to the tales of these buildings by its own inhabitants to know about the tales and secrets of these ancient wallsthat had great history .
The symposium was crowded by students specially students at architecture engineering department in addition to the researchers and the scholars as the attendants were interactive with the lecturer and this was shown by their questions as she praised the intelligent questions of them.
The lecture was honored by the attendance of some of the teaching staff members and among them was : Prof.Dr/Ahmed Alnmr , Prof. Dr/Zaki Zidan , Prof.Dr/ Maher Abdalrazak , P.A.Dr/ Shreif Sheta and Dr/Mona Alwazeer and others .
The preparing for the lecture was by Heleta Ory the representative of the cultural organization 'robort bosh " at the Nile delta , Eng/Mohanad Fouda , the assistant professor at the department and the general coordinator of "save Almansoura" initiation and miss/Mona Alhadary the training administrator at the faculty .
The decision of the mistress Prof.Dr/Youhansn Eed ,the chairman of the national authority of quality assurance and accreditation , about giving faculty of engineering – Mansoura university the accreditation on 19th January 2016
The schedule of the training workshops of the cultural development program to the university students " the 10th stage " march 2016 .
The nomination list
1- Its an elective nomination according to the trainers desires without any fees.
2-The participants students are given accredited certifications by the university
Under the auspice of Prof.Dr/ Mohamed Hassan Alkenawy , the university president and Prof.Dr/ Zaki Zidan , the dean of the faculty and throughout the cooperation between the sector of community service and the environmental development in each of faculty o engineering headed by P. Dr/Maher Abdalrazak and medicine headed by P.Dr/ Nesreen Omar , a medical symposium was held and it was about the importance of the blood donation and the lecturer was Dr/ Heda Sarhan the clinical pathology specialist and manager of the blood bank at oncology centre at faculty of medicine – Mansoura university . .
At first she showed the meaning of the blood donation as it regarded a medical procedure that lies in transforming a blood from a healthy person to a sick one that needs blood , according to the main criteria of blood donation as the donator is chosen according to some medical procedures , the date of disease as firstly , the blood type is determined( among the acknowledged four types ) , secondly, measuring the hemoglobin amount through the finger; thirdly ,the weight " it shouldn't be less than 60 Kg " fourthly, measuring " blood pressure " (less than 160/90)
Then she exposed to main reasons of non-acceptable of blood donation and among them there are :
- donating blood through the last three months
Having any disease of the following "all kinds of anemia apart from the iron deficiency anemia", heart disease , rheumatic fever, chronic respiratory diseases, chronic high pressure and some other diseases .' -
-Then she exposed the tests of blood-check before transmitting as there are some tests are made locally to ban infection , and there are some additional tests that are very expensive which aren’t used because of its cost.
- About the procedures that must be taken after blood donation and the most important is drinking liquids a lot , stop smoking for two hours , not to the remove the bandage on the needle place with raising up the hand and pressing on it if the place still bleeding , if the donator felt sickness , he should lie on the bed and his head level should be less than his body or sitting and putting the head between the knees for five minutes and not to make hard works or physical exercises for 24 hours.
About the benefits of blood donation : the donator safety as, every donator undergoes medical check-up , laboratory testing for blood about hepatitis (A-B)- malaria –Aids and syphilis; in the condition of the existing of any problem , blood bank offers the demanded consultation by specialists consultants , and directing to the convenient area ; also blood donation helps in activating the bone marrow to produce new blood cells than load more oxygen for all the main body organ .
About the importance of blood transmitting for cancer patients , some chemical treatments causes anemia because it makes it very difficult for the bone marrow to produce a new red blood cells ; the cancer patient may also have anemia because of the bleeding and the bone marrow diseases , radiation therapy , the existence of dysfunction in the organs (the heart- the throat- liver and kidney) or malnutrition , that makes blood donation very important and vital process for such cases.
And finally she asserted the importance of blood donation through the principle " drop of blood equal life", as the special ambulance for blood donation that follows the university students hospital was kept in front of the entrance of the faculty all the day ; also the student league at faculty of engineering participated in organizing the campaign under the auspice of mister/ the general manager of student care at the faculty .
Congratulating each of Prof.Dr/the dean of the fculty PROF.dr/ Mahmoud Mohammed Neamt Allah , Kafrelsheikh university.
Prof.Dr/Maher Mostafa AboAlsaoud , the vice dean of students and education affairs- Kafralsheikh university All best wishes with continues advancement to your faculty about gaining the accreditation as a result to your great efforts .
The electronic microscope unit at faculty of science – Alexandria university is going to make a training course under the name of ( using electronic microscopes at the domain of the vital and medical applications ) that is supposed to be held in 23- 24 March 2016 at the unit building at faculty of science, prep building at Alshatby
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The applied master thesis of eng.Waleed Mohammed Mohammed Alayan ,this will be on Monday 1/2/2016 at the hall of Prof.Dr/Rashad albadrawy at 11am .
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The congratulation of Prof.Dr/Ramadan Abdalhameed Mohammed Altantawy the president of Damietta university .
Mister Professor doctor/ Zaki Mohammed Zidan Asheikha , the dean of faculty of engineering –Mansoura university
It’s a pleasure to congratulate you on gaining your great faculty the accreditation by the national authority of quality assurance and accreditation , with all the best wishes of more advancement to your great faculty.
The submitted master thesis of eng. Eslam Mohamed Ahmed will be debated on Sunday 6/3/2016 at the hall of Prof . Dr/ Rashad Albadrawy at 11 am in construction engineering under the title of : assessing the condition and determining the best maintenance strategies of water tubes webs by using algorisms .
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The faculty of commerce- mansoura university is arranging its annual conference and this coming as apart of its importance of the community issues and its development , this will be from 16 to17 April 2016 and will be held in Sharmelsheikh city .
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The master thesis of eng.Ahmed Hamdy Abdallah Mohamed Alasyed which in engineering and environment technology under the name of "the applications of valuable engineering in managing the projects " a system to increase the production capacity" this will be on Monday 15/2/2006 at the hall of Prof.Dr/Rashad Albadrawy
Mansoura, Republic Street - the university campus, the main gate to Al-Bahr Street
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