The Faculty Council meeting No. (570) was held on Monday, July 18, 2022, at exactly ten o’clock in the morning in Prof. Dr. Al-Saeed Ashour Conference Hall, with the application of precautionary reserves. The council was chaired by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Dean of the Faculty, and in the presence of: the Vice Deans, heads of departments, directors of specific programs and representatives of some institutions of the external community.
The session was opened by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Dean of the Faculty where his Excellency:
⁃ Began the meeting by offering words of welcome to all the attendees.
⁃ Offered words of lament and sincere condolences on the death of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Fanny, Emeritus Professor in the Department of Production Engineering and Mechanical Design.
⁃ Congratulated: Prof. Dr. Sherif Masoud for renewing his appointment as Vice Dean of the Faculty for Graduate Studies and Research for the next three years, Associate Prof. Muhannad Ali Fouda for being promoted to the rank of Associate Professor in the Department of Architecture, and Dr. John Fayez as Vice President of the Electronic and Knowledge Services Center at the Supreme Council of Universities.
⁃ Praised the program accreditation platform at the Faculty of Engineering by the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education.
⁃ Congratulated the technical support team for the virtual visit to accredit the university.
⁃ Honored the IT unit team at the faculty for their outstanding efforts.
⁃ Briefed the attendees on the workshop that took place regarding studying engineering in Lithuania.
⁃ Informed the attendees about what was done with regard to participating in a workshop that introduced the travel opportunities provided by the Erasmus Plus program in addition to the various grants provided by the European Union Erasmus Plus program, the field visits to the faculty laboratories after the comprehensive development of them, finally the recreational trip to Ras El Bar city with the visiting team to consolidate relations of cooperation between the two parties.
⁃ Took note of what was done during the visit of the Arizona team to the faculty to activate the Energy Excellence Agreement.
⁃ Spoke about the visit of the Arizona team for student exchange (60) undergraduate students associated with the energy field from the universities (Mansoura - Ain Shams - Aswan - Arizona) and the joint research projects of the work teams and workshops Ausite, online.
⁃ Talked about hosting the class of 1997 graduates on the occasion of their silver jubilee, he also thanked Dr. Fatima Al-Arian, Director of the Alumni Follow-up Unit, the event coordinator.
⁃ Spoke about the summer course which introduces basics of technology, architecture, and energy in its second session, supervised and initiated by Dr. Abeer Tawakkol, Assistant Professor of Electronics and Communications.
⁃ Presented a proposal for the rules of observation during the examination period, with regard to facilitating the examinations coupled with the accuracy of bearing responsibility.
⁃ Elaborated the proposed plan for launching programs (CEE, IEE, SWE, MAT, and STE).
⁃ Presented the proposals of some faculty members with regard to suggested ideas that would raise the level of student competitiveness in the educational process.
⁃ Commended what is happening now in the discussion of student projects, he also reiterated that no student is allowed to bring any gift, drink or anything like that to the hospitality of those discussing graduation projects, as it is the role of the faculty administration.
Finally, his excellency moved to discuss the topics on the agenda and took decisions on them with the distinguished members of the Faculty Council.