The research third cycle of the award targets all research types (theoretical, field or survey) that is distinguished by scientific originality, and which can benefit workers in the fields of childhood and development in Arab countries, through the visions, results, recommendations and practices that such research can provide to achieve the goals of sustainable development. Foreseeing the future of education, facing the repercussions of the Corona pandemic, the global risks and crises of war disasters, the ensuing climate crises in the field of education and social protection, and even all areas of children’s rights, according to a vision based on transforming these crises into real opportunities for development and change towards a more development and sustainable future. The researcher can address one or more of the award’s axes, based on the perspective of comprehensiveness and integration of the various axes.
The deadline for receipt of research for the third cycle is April 30, 2023.
To view the conditions for applying for the award and more details, please visit this link:::
The Center for Energy Excellence announces the opening of applications for Joint Research Projects funded by USAID through the Energy Excellence Agreement between the University of Arizona, and (Ain Shams, Mansoura and Aswan) universities as shown in the attached announcement.
Please kindly submit your research proposals to take advantage of this unique opportunity.
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, extends his great appreciation to the political leadership and sincere congratulations to Prof. Dr. Sherif Khater for his appointment as President of Mansoura University.
Presenting good wishes to each of the university's vice presidents, the deans, vice deans of faculties, the university's general secretary, his assistants, and the university's administrative staff.
May Allah’s blessings be always with all of us. Wishing excellence, and success for our great Egypt and our beloved university.
The events of the symposium were attended and supervised by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Sherif El-Badawy, Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research, and a large number of faculty members, businessmen, national politicians, and students from various faculties. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel-Azim invited them to attend out of patriotism, and belonging.
In his speech, Prof. Dr. Essam Sharaf addressed the concept of Egyptian citizenship and patriotism. His Excellency emphasized that the future is only made with science that provides an added value to society. He also indicated that Egypt is a homeland that resides in the hearts and minds of Egyptians, furthermore, he explained the difference between homeland and
The symposium ended with the applause of all the attendees and the strong feelings of patriotism prevailed.
Long live Egypt with all its national sons and symbols.. The Faculty of Engineering has been a land for patriotic calls and meetings as well as a strong shield contributing to the projects of the Egyptian state.
Through an energy excellence agreement between Egyptian universities (Ain Shams - Mansoura - Aswan) and the University of Arizona, the United States of America, the "My Home is an Agricultural Producer”, project was selected, which was supervised by Associate Prof. Dr. Mona Al-Wazir, Director of the Sustainable Architecture Program. The faculty sent two students representing it; Student/ Abdul Rahman Reda Ali (Architecture Department) and Student/ Haitham Sameh Fayoud (Energy Program), to present the project at the COP27 Climate Conference.
Today, Wednesday, November 2, 2022, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Dean of the Faculty, and Prof. Sahar Sedky, Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development, received a delegation from the Egyptian Japanese University. This visit aims to develop and support cooperation and technological integration between the two universities, in addition to the permanent scientific research participation between both students and faculty members.
The delegation of the Egyptian Japanese University, accompanied by faculty members inspected a number of the faculty’s laboratories, whether newly developed or established, which perform their educational and research role, everyone praised them for their complete readiness. After that, a symposium was held in the hall of Prof. Dr. Al-Saeed Ashour, in the presence of a large number of faculty students from different teams, which dealt with how to participate and cooperate in research between the two universities and the most important scientific research fields in which the two universities participate.
Within the framework of the societal role played by the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, and as an extension of the bonds of connecting with the institutions of the external community, with the approval and welcome of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Dean of the Faculty, the supervision and coordination of: Dr. Asmaa Al-Awadi, a lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and Engineer/ Mohamed Nashaat, assistant lecturer In the Department of Public Works Engineering, and Captain/ Ahmed Abu Al-Khair, Director of Student Welfare Department at the faculty. The Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University received on Monday morning, October 24, 2022, at nine thirty in the morning received students of Al-Malik Al-Kamel Military Secondary School, where the visit program began by receiving and welcoming the students and giving a presentation explaining what the Faculty of Engineering is, the nature of study there, and a simplified idea about the faculty’s features, the future of faculty graduates, the departments and specific programs in it.
Then the visit was resumed by passing through a number of faculty laboratories and distinguished centers such: as the Center for Energy Excellence, the Nanotechnology Center, the Architectural Arts Laboratories, the Architectural Models, the Mechatronics Workshop, the Heavy Facilities Laboratory, the Sanitary Engineering Laboratory, the Electronic Test Center, the Unconventional Operating Laboratory, the halls, workshops, departments and programs of the faculty. The students were urged and motivated to persist in achieving their goals and what they hoped for a future that would achieve their ambitions.
The visit ended at eleven o'clock
It is under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Dean of the Faculty, who welcomed the invitation sent to his honor regarding the approval of the visit of a scientific trip for first-year secondary students, Sharqia Stem School, to the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University with the aim of supporting students in their research project which is “Construction of a Pedestrian Tunnel”, and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Sahar Sedky, Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development, this visit took place on Wednesday, November 9, 2022.
These successive visits come within the framework of the fact that the Faculty of Engineering has become a distinct educational and research entity to which attention is drawn. The approval of these visits gives an indication of the faculty’s interest in the societal role, in addition to the faculty’s contribution to adopting the ingenuity of students from among the community in line with the state’s vision to achieve comprehensive development 2030.
It is worth noting that Pro. Dr. Ahmed Tahawiya, a professor in the Department of Structural Engineering, Dr. Muhammad Murtaja, a lecturer in the Department of Structural Engineering, and Dr. Muhammad Ragab, a lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, provided the necessary explanation and clarification for the students on how to set up a pedestrian tunnel, the door for discussion with the students was opened. The program of the visit ended at about one o'clock in the afternoon.
Under the patronage and support of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Dean of the Faculty, the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, organized today, Sunday, October 30, 2022, Huawei Academy competition, in the Great Conference Hall of the Faculty, representatives of the faculty are: Dr. Abeer Tawakul, Associate Professor of Electronics and Communications Engineering and Director of Huawei Academy, and Dr. Mahmoud Saafan, Associate Professor Of Electronics and Communications Engineering, while Engineer Amr Zayed, CEO of the Huawei Academy, Engineer Nazly, responsible for Program Development and Engineer Asmaa Siraj, Executive Director of Training at the Academy represented the Academy. The hall witnessed the attendance of a very large number of students.
The competition’s activities began with the speech of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Dean of the Faculty, through which he affirmed that he strongly supports his students and that he is always working to achieve what he aspires to in terms of upgrading and raising the level of students and graduates of the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, in line with the needs of the local and regional external labor market in addition international.
Then, Dr. Abeer Tawakkol mentioned that she adopts and implements a work strategy through her responsibility as director of the Hawaii Academy at the faculty, other than what was followed in the past regarding the training of students, so there is no place and no time to follow the method of flying in abstractions that rely only on wishful thinking and that are characterized by theoretical speech that is hoped to be implemented far from reality, now what is being implemented on the ground and in the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, the direction of training students of the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, is done with the strongest academies, international institutions and the strongest training programs according to the needs of the global labor market, what we hope for our students and in a manner that befits the name of the Faculty of Engineering.
Engineer Amr Zayed, CEO of the Huawei Academy, gave a simplified idea about Huawei company, the training programs that are conducted through it, the Academy's website, how to apply for training there, and the mechanisms for passing the Academy's competitions.
Today's activities ended with the distribution of certificates of appreciation to the trainees who passed the training programs of the Huawei Academy, which they were trained on in the Faculty of Engineering.
Under Patronage of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Dean of the Faculty, supervision and coordination of Prof. Dr. Sahar Sedky, Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, received on Tuesday morning, October 25, 2022 at exactly nine thirty in the morning, a scientific trip for a number of school students, Al- Shaheed Mohamed Abdel Fattah Agha Secondary Girls, Talkha Education District.
The program of the visit began with a welcome speech, then a presentation explaining what the Faculty of Engineering is and the nature of the study there, giving a simplified idea of the faculty’s ’s advantages, the future of the faculty graduates, an idea about scientific departments and specific programs in it, along with providing words of motivation and encouragement to resurrect the spirit of ambition and establish hope in them. This visit comes within the framework of the faculty’s interests towards the outside community, to enrich the students’ educational and social experiences, which is reflected in their academic achievement, and contributes to determining the students’ future trends, enhancing a sense of belonging and social care.
The faculty provided the students with an atmosphere full of confidence and hope. It also emphasized the need to provide them with skills that target modern and future science techniques and to explain to them the importance of linking the theoretical and applied aspects in accordance with what the labor market needs.
The program of the visit ended at about twelve o'clock in the afternoon.
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