A Follow-up Meeting by the Dean of the Faculty to the Center for Studies

Within the framework of the keenness of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel-Azim, Dean of the Faculty, to ensure that work at the Center for Engineering Studies and Consultations is performed in a totally perfect manner, given that the Center for Studies is one of the independent centers in the faculty, in addition to its important societal role, whether inside or outside the university, thus, the Dean of the Faculty pays clear attention and continuous follow-up to it. Today, Thursday, March 16, 2023, at nine o’clock, His Excellency held a meeting with the Center for Studies, where he gave some instructions and directions that must be followed, such as: emphasizing that financial transactions must be done in accordance with the regulations of the Center for Financial Studies, and that the rights are in return for the performance of the work, so there is no room for social relations at all in estimating financial value, as His Excellency stressed that the engineering profession does not recognize agreement or oral communication, so what is done must be edited and saved as a document that organizes the work and is binding on all parties in what after.

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