Activities of the Digital Transformation Workshop: The Future of Building and Construction Industry

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Dean of the Faculty, headed the activities of the Digital Transformation Workshop: The Future of Building and Construction Industry in the College Conference Hall, in the presence of a group of faculty members, assistant staff of civil and architectural engineering programs, construction and building engineering program and a large crowd of faculty students.

The idea of ​​holding the workshop came out of the keenness of the dean of the faculty to brief the attendees about the importance of active, positive participation integrating into what the Egyptian state is aiming in achieving sustainable development steps 2030.

His Excellency stressed that all attendees must push forward in the construction of the national projects that the state is currently witnessing. They should also apply the requirements for that such as: digital transformation because of its accuracy, impartiality, speed of achievement, transparency and clarity, as well as the application of the Egyptian code with all its specifications.

He stressed that the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, will remain a fortress for breeding enlightened national minds, graduating qualified engineers, and adapting the knowledge of its venerable professors to serve our great country, Egypt, for the sake of our children and future generations.

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