Latest News Sustainable Architecture Program

Introduction about the Program

An introduction about the Program:

The Sustainable Architecture Engineering program (SAE) qualifies its graduates for obtaining a modern bachelor degree in one of the most important fields of engineering in general and architectural engineering in particular. The study in SAE program depends on the credit hours system and the program’s courses are taught mainly in English. Whereas the fields of engineering include a wide variety of topics, some optional courses have been designed to cover all the relevant fields of engineering. SAE program also introduces some obligatory courses to provide the students with the basics required to study in the program. Some of these obligatory courses are related to Sustainable Interior Design and some are related to Sustainable Urban Design. SAE program also provides the main design courses for its students.

SAE program also links between four main majors that are closely related to each other and depends on some of their interdisciplinary courses. These four majors are:

  • Architectural Engineering.
  • Environmental Engineering and Sustainability.
  • Urban Design Engineering.
  • Interior Design Engineering.

It has been taken into account that the courses list should include obligatory courses that are taught in the previously mentioned majors and are needed by the students to graduate as architects who are fully aware of the dimensions and requirements of sustainability. At the same time, a number of optional courses were added to allow the student to deepen his knowledge of a certain field or to study more than one specialization based on his interests. This assures the student’s acquisition of the skills and requirements of sustainability, life quality, and active professional practice. 

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