Sector's plan

community services and environmental development affairs sector's plan at faculty of engineering – Mansoura University to the university year 2014/2015

The work plan of community services and environmental affairs depends on some main elements and these are :-

  1. Developing self –resources.
  2. Increasing the efficiency of the special units.
  3. Symposiums and workshops for the teaching staff members, workers at the administrative system and students.
  4. Training programs for: (Academic leaders –teaching staff members and the assistants –the administrators –the students and the graduates).
  5. Student groups with different types (medical –veteran-aware –forestation – beauty).
  6. Electricity rationalizing consumption and tending towards the nuclear energy and green environment.
  7. Faculty beautification and the surrounding environment.
  8. The conferences that aim to serve the community and develops the environment.
  9. The researches and the application projects which can be executed.
  10. Student activities and graduates services:
  • Student Awareness campaigns
  • Activating the relation between the faculty and the graduates through graduates services unit to participate in the different activities at the faculty like: (symposiums –training programs – occupational forums).
  1. Occupational safety and crisis management: making a study for the current situation of the faculty from the provided safety means through the unit of crisis management and disasters and forming the committee of safety and occupational health to study the needs of the faculty of:
  • The security and safety demands for all the buildings of the faculty.
  • Awareness symposiums at the domain of crisis management and disasters to the intended sections at the faculty (teaching staff members and assistants –the administrators – students).
  • The periodic check up on the extinguishers and the safety means at the faculty.
  • Installing alarms at the different places at the faculty.
  • Updating the emergency end evacuation plan of the faculty’s buildings.
  • Preparing safety and security guide.
  • Documenting scenarios models of the most important crisis that may happen frequently.
  • Updating the system of the extinguish water at the faculty. 

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