Renewable and Sustainable Energy Engineering Program

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Program Objectives

Program Objectives:

The Renewable and Sustainable Energy Engineering program is committed to providing high-quality education in accordance with the most distinguished educational standards for its students in the field of renewable and sustainable energy engineering. Faculty members and students should participate as productive individuals in the society and contributors with the highest levels of expertise in the energy field.

The program objectives are summarized as follows:

  1. Prepare graduates who are able to use, develop and apply technical and administrative skills in dealing with electrical energy systems in general and especially in renewable and sustainable energy systems.
  2. Develop the performance of graduates with distinctive skills and advanced concepts of renewable energy fundamentals.
  3. Keep up with developments in technology and developing effective communication skills.
  4. Preparing a graduate who will be able to develop knowledge and skills through self-learning
  5. Collaborate with colleagues and others in solving problems through teamwork as team members or as leaders.
  6. Qualify to pursue postgraduate studies and scientific research through the development of creative thinking and the ability to analyze problems and systematic thinking to solve them.
  7. Establish the professional and ethical values of graduates as leaders in different areas of the energy sector.
  8. Enable graduates to work not only in local markets but also in regional markets (especially in Arab and African regions) and international markets.
  9. Promote and incorporate sustainability concepts in all program courses as well as embody a culture of sustainability for staff, students and graduates.
  10. Create and strengthen a collaborative partnership with stakeholders in the field of skills, knowledge generation and application.

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Mansoura, Republic Street - the university campus, the main gate to Al-Bahr Street

  • dummy 2202248- 2202245 (050)

  • dummy 2202251 (050)


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