A Report on a Workshop on how to apply for the Egypt - US Cooperation Grant


Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Sherif El-Badawy, Interim Dean of the Faculty and Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research, and organization by Dr. Mostafa El-Bahloul, Director of the Scientific Research Support Unit, a workshop was held on how to apply for the Egypt-US Cooperation Grant, presented by Prof. Dr. Amr Awad Ibrahim, General Coordinator of Research at the University and Professor in the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, at 8:00 PM through the Microsoft Teams application. The meeting lasted for two hours.

Prof. Awad reviewed some basic information about the program based on his experience, as he won it once before. He advised the attendees to be prepared in advance to apply for the various projects, as they are simultaneously announced. He also directed the need for prior knowledge of the American partner to ensure the continuity of the cooperation program throughout the project period in addition to facilitating the technical obstacles. He presented the projects announced by the project donor, namely: water, energy, health, agriculture, and artificial intelligence. He directed the need to adhere to them as they have priority in funding. Prof. Awad presented examples of previous projects and explained the main challenges they faced and the points that caused some projects to weaken and how to improve them, such as purchasing devices, determining rewards, and the project implementation timeline.

The meeting ended with Prof. Dr. Amr Awad thanking the attendees for their interest in the topic and urging them to communicate in case of any additional inquiries while preparing the progress file.

The meeting recording can be viewed using Mansoura University's email via the link.

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